2017-10-07 - Bogota, Colombia - Estadio El Campin

şarkı listesi

Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Hangi albümden kaç şarkı

  1. The Joshua Tree (11)
  2. War (2)
  3. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  4. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  5. Achtung Baby (2)
  6. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (1)
  7. Songs Of Experience (1)
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katılanları göster: 7

Colombia dan/den 5 kullanıcı: alex_hidrobo, doyasco78, felcheve, juanfranco, sergiosu
Chile den/dan 1: u232462

yorumu yapan lustardo

6 yıl önce


The band was excellent as they always are. Bono was very active in giving great comments about the country political peace process. He talked about Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Fernando Botero, James Rodriguez. For me it was flawless.


Bu bölüm sadece değerlendirilmiştir, yorumlanmamıştır
Kayıt: "Joshua Tree Bogota Completo" - 3 yıldız


People where very excited as it was the first time the band played in Colombia and we have been expecting them on every tour they been to South America especially during the 360 tour when the mayor of Bogota din not allow lendong the football stadium. So it was a dream fullfilled for all. History in the making as they say.


Around june 2017 it was announced that U2 was coming. I started creating a chat on whatsapp with all my friends. I managed to reunite thirteen people including my wife and daughter. We purchases our tickets online in advance as I am a member of the fan club, and off we went in october on the dy of the show we flew to Bogota about 40 minute trip from my hometown.

katılanlardan gelen yorumlar

Göster toplam  
lustardo Devamını oku

tüm yorumlar

Göster toplam  
lustardo Devamını oku

Ses sayfamıza hoşgeldiniz. Bu sayfada, bu gösterinin yitimli (MP3) ve bazen yitimsiz (çoğunlukla FLAC) ses kayıtlarını (bootleg olarak da bilinen) da indirebilirsiniz. Mevcut kayıtlar, kayıt tipine ve kalitesine göre sınıflandırılmıştır.

  • Mevcut kayıtlar: 1
  • İndirilenleri göster: 265

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"Joshua Tree Bogota Completo"

  • Menşei: Audience microphone
  • Dizin: Sonoplasta Switcher A (Recording transferer), rodolfovox (Uploader)
  • Satır: [audio compilation of - lossy - cellphone sources] > mp3
  • İndirilenler: 265
bilgi dosyası görüntüle

Ses / MP3

Bit oranı: 320, bit derinliği: 16, örnek oran: 44100, kanallar: 2
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  1. U2 in Bogota
  2. U2 in Bogota
  3. U2 in Bogota
  4. U2 in Bogota
  5. U2 in Bogota