1981-02-18 - Munich, Germany - Sugar Shack


Observações da performance : Setlist is incomplete. Opener is unknown.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

músicas por álbum

  1. Boy (6)
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revisão por TheOcean81

3 anos atrás


From what I can tell, it sounds like the band are putting on a great performance! Everyone is so full of energy during all the tracks, Bono's voice is great and the other members seem to be on point too. However, it's very difficult to tell due to the terrible audio.


The first half or so of the setlist is missing from the recording. The audio quality is probably one of the worst on the Boy Tour, with random speed-ups and slowdowns. Muffled sound and vocals are rampant in this recording, specifically with Larry's drums and Adam's bass. Only on certain parts of the recording can they be heard. I get that the audio is around forty years old, but I've heard much better quality from earlier shows.
Gravação: Audience microphone - 1.5 estrelas


The audience is much more enthusiastic than Onkel Po's crowd from a few days ago, and they cheer very loudly after the songs. From what I can tell, they seem happy to be there.


It's a shame that the audio quality is so bad, because almost all of the songs here are actually performed really well! Bono's voice really shines through on the tracks. The highlights are The Cry/Electric Co. and Twilight with it's neat segue into Out Of Control. Only listen if you are an early U2 fan, as the terrible audio keeps this from being a great show to listen to.

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Audience microphone

  • Origens: Audience microphone
  • Qualidade baseada nas resenhas:
  • Downloads: 563
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