2015-05-15 - Vancouver
Tour: Innocence and Experience tour
Songs played: 26
Audio recordings: 6
Videos: 1
  1. Ok just asked Beth (from Beth and Bono) and she confirmed those are disco balls! I see three so far!!
  2. What did you see on periscope??
  3. Periscope really is superb.
  4. Disco balls scream CRYSTAL BALLROOM all around for me.

    Wishful thinking?
  5. They were asked where's the soundboard (great question)... It seems to be up there behind 1st floor seats Where sports commentarists would be seating if that makes any sense to you
  6. I'm trying not to go crazy with the thought!!
    Could also be Discotheque

    She says she joined the line at 1pm, was 250 people deep, and she's right beside the catwalk rail now.
  7. Originally posted by LikeASong:[..]
    They were asked where's the soundboard (great question)... It seems to be up there behind 1st floor seats Where sports commentarists would be seating if that makes any sense to you
    That's great, even more space on the floor then. There's already such limited space.
  8. Disco balls?
    Discotheque confirmed! :p
  9. Via atu2: