1. Since more than 10 years, AchtungBootlegs.com has been the leading authority on U2 audio and video recordings. With thousands of sources and reviews, there is no other site on the internet with a more comprehensive catalogue of information on U2 audio video sources, at least not up until the Vertigo Tour. The last few years, it has been difficult for the dedicated team at AchtungBootlegs.com to maintain their site. As with all U2 sites, sites run on volunteers and rely on spare time by those same volunteers.

    We have been in contact with the team at AchtungBootlegs for a while and recently they reached out to us with the request if we couldn't help them out. And of course we did, and will. This will result in a big project for us in the coming months which will lead to all of AchtungBootlegs.com's sources (and reviews) to be merged into the U2start catalogue. Our plan is to finish this near the end of summer.

    This will mean that the U2start catalogue of show sources will grow significantly, and will become the single leading source on the internet for information on U2 audio and video bootlegs, most of them with a download link attached to them. The next few months we will spend on a migration tool and with the help of our dedicated crew we will gradually expand and improve our show catalogue. We will also put development efforts into our catalogue to allow for better searching and filtering options, in order to make sure you always find what you're looking for.

    To conclude, we like to thank the team at AchtungBootlegs.com and all the fans who contributed to the site over the years for their dedicated efforts. We are strongly committed to maintain our/your show catalogue for the rest of our lifetime. It will be amazing for all the U2 fans.

    There is no them, there is only us.

  2. Excellent news!

    Now we just need to begin hostile takeovers of U2torrents and Interference. Maybe a few others...
  3. Sounds like good news to me and us u2 fans.
  4. Excellent news. Congrats on the merge.
  5. Fantastic news, looking forward to it
  6. Great cool news!
  7. next u2.com hahaha
  8. this is big news!!
    thanks for all the great, great effort you guys put into this site I wouldn't be surprised if the band itself is looking things up about past shows, tours and setlists here once in a while... what an amazing source of information, content and reviews this place has become.
  9. amazing news!!
  10. simplesmente fantástico.
  11. This site is already way better than U2.com.....most are members for the fan gifts and the ticket presales only!!

    Great merge .....we are one!