1. Hey guys!

    So some of you know that I'm a song writer, I've been in various bands and have posted multiple recordings here. But this is sort of the BIG ONE.

    Ever since I fell in love with U2, not just their music but their story, I've had the dream of making a life out of music. This is sort of my latest and greatest attempt, and I'd love for you guys to check it out and if you like it, just let me know. Tell me what you think of it. Be honest, etc. If you LOVE it, well, it'd be super dandy if you could help spread it around. Tell a friend about it, show someone who might like it, etc.

    Anyway, without further ado, here it is: https://soundcloud.com/xandbmusic/sets/nostalgia-ep. It'll only take up 12 minutes of your time to listen to the whole thing, but I think each song can stand on its own two feet as well if that's all the time you have.

    In the end, we all have a similar music taste!

    Thanks guys!
  2. On the first one, All This Time. I like it!
  3. I really like Landing Lights!

  4. Haha, I thought that too!

    Really like the line "I can't stay on forever, I know I have to try"
  5. Everyone go have a listen! So Alex becomes famous and so I can get rich selling the "ultra mega über rare" demos I have.
  6. Thanks guys! I had never thought about the Lemon thing Inspirations can show themselves in less than subtle ways sometimes I suppose!

  7. They were really good!
  8. Shameless bump!
  9. Wow, that was really enjoyable! You're quite talented, I'm now looking forward to hearing more stuff from you!
  10. Thanks very much! I'm glad you Enjoyed it