Joshua Tree Tour 2017
Legs (3): Leg 1 - North America, Leg 2 - Europe, Leg 3 - The Americas
Shows: 54
  1. Tell us
  2. Im happy I got to see 2 360 shows here. And they will!! Come back next year
  3. I always thought Australia as a place where U2 went every tour.isn't it?
  4. Not I and e, yet but yeah they do give us love
  5. Originally posted by u2_michaelc:[..]
    Yeah that's exactly right, his voice matures and makes some songs sound better, I think he sounds better on nyd than then then the last tour even though it was only played a few times on I and e. I'm hoping there's a DVD it deserves one that's for sure.

    This tour NYD has been right up there, I love the song anyway and it's been great to see it become a regular again which I think it deserves. Your right the tour does deserve a DVD, maybe the subscriber gift mention could be a real possibility this time round.
  6. Subscribers gift by request
  7. Originally posted by deanallison:[..]

    This tour NYD has been right up there, I love the song anyway and it's been great to see it become a regular again which I think it deserves. Your right the tour does deserve a DVD, maybe the subscriber gift mention could be a real possibility this time round.
    Definitely a must have in every show,