1. Originally posted by ew6655:By sound quality...So far....JTT2017...
    #1 Rome IEM 1st night
    #2 Vancouver IEM
    #3 Seattle IEM
    #4 Rome IEM 2nd night
    #5 Brussels IEM
    #6 Berlin IEM
    #7 Pasadena IEM
    Wow Pasadena 7th ?? id rate this higher that the rest by a long way.
  2. There is no need to compare Pasadena with the others as it is not an IEM/AUD matrix.

  3. Rose Bowl on the 21st is an amazing bootleg, the slight echo in the vocal the level of all the instruments is wonderful!
  4. I would have ranked Rome x2 first, then the Pasadena 2 second. The rest of the mixes have the alignment all jacked and sound bad. Rome seems to have gotten the alignment right and made attempts to mitigate the counts, so it's step above. Pasadena is single feed so no alignment to botch!
  5. There is no doubt at least for me that it is a very good recording and that is among the best of this year for now. I do not put it in any ranking because each of them has its charm.
  6. Does anyone know if there is going to be anymore IEM recordings from I&E?
  7. It depends exclusively on those who taped the shows and their willingness to share them.
  8. That's fair enough. Would love for an IEM of either Glasgow show to come out soon!