2005-04-01 - Anaheim
Tour: Vertigo Tour
Songs played: 22
Audio recordings: 1
Videos: 1
  1. Toilet break
  2. I expect many of us now know the International Declaration of Human Rights inside out
  3. Fantastic!!!!!!
  4. I'm not listening (can't right now) but I'm guessing 4/1/05 Anaheim?
  5. I remember being confused as heck at this show. They need to do more "blender" shows, where they just throw everything in the blender and go nuts. This was something of a subpar show (assuming it's Ana1 2005) but there is the coolness factor of randomness.
  6. Originally posted by hoserama:I remember being confused as heck at this show. They need to do more "blender" shows, where they just throw everything in the blender and go nuts. This was something of a subpar show (assuming it's Ana1 2005) but there is the coolness factor of randomness.
    Yup I'm hoping they do that on the next tour, next leg of the tour. More freeform, less narrative, more surprises. And a 4 hour long Bruce Springsteen style setlist
  7. NYD

  8. Ah Anaheim 1. My second ever U2 show and what a memorable one it was. LAPOE into a swarm of old material. Loved it.
  9. Seems the cat is out of the bag

    Yes, they kicked off the tour with two very similar setlists, then completely mixed it up in Anaheim. Now, you could run off and look at the setlist...but where's the fun in that?
  10. Miracle Drug!

  11. Some of these songs I haven't heard live in such a long time.