2017-11-11 - London
Tour: Experience and Innocence tour
Songs played: 9
Audio recordings: 2
Videos: 3
  1. Yes.. looks like you are right up the front.. Have a fantastic time..
  2. Mine is the same...presume we are up the front hence early entry
  3. Rejection email just received... never mind, going to see a brilliant tribute band on Friday night anyway called u2-2, used to be called Achtung Baby years ago.
  4. Originally posted by BigGiRL:[..]

    Now all we need is a mixler that we can patch to an adjustable delay

    Unfortunately thats the back of the stage.
  5. Well, it was a bit of a semi-sarcastic post anyway...

    I would have loved if this was a live broadcast. sort of like with Glastonbury...
    or like in the old days when u2.com did a webcast every now and then...
  6. For non superfans (love our new class system...superfans, verified fans) it appears TM doesn't yet have its act together (no surprise);

    Your tickets aren't quite ready to print yet...

    The event organisers are still working with us on a few final details before we can make your tickets available to print. We know you’re eager to have them in your hands, so we’re working hard to have this completed as soon as possible.
  7. Originally posted by Turkued:For non superfans (love our new class system...superfans, verified fans) it appears TM doesn't yet have its act together (no surprise);

    Your tickets aren't quite ready to print yet...

    The event organisers are still working with us on a few final details before we can make your tickets available to print. We know you’re eager to have them in your hands, so we’re working hard to have this completed as soon as possible.
    Mine says same and i'm a "Superfan" ...presume they are waiting to see if everybody redeems their code by tomorrows deadline before issuing e-ticket as they may have to re-ballot any not taken up
  8. Originally posted by BigGiRL:[..]
    Well, it was a bit of a semi-sarcastic post anyway...

    I would have loved if this was a live broadcast. sort of like with Glastonbury...
    or like in the old days when u2.com did a webcast every now and then...
  9. If anyone has a spare, feel free to PM me