2019-12-08 - Seoul
Tour: Joshua Tree Tour 2019
Liedjes gespeeld: 25
Audio opnames: 3
Video's: 1
  1. I read somewhere that U2 was OK with fans recording concerts as long as it wasn't for sale and profiteering. It's not illegal as long as its not official releases.
  2. Originally posted by scottwong:An Adam IEM is a true rarity. The only other one available is 2010-08-10 - Frankfurt, Germany - Commerzbank Arena and that's an incomplete one. It was a real treat to hear every bass note and drum hit up front, up close and personal and to analyse everything note for note. Thanks so much Hoserama for a true gem for all bass/drum players out there.
    Adam IEMs have been taped a million times. They just don't get released individually very often, mostly just used for mix. Not a very good stand alone recording. I've been recording Adam for every single show going back to Fall 2005 just for the low-end.
  3. Sad part is that its true. I suspect I am the most jerkish and competitive of all of the U2 Moderators. So competitive that I wine the jerk competition.
  4. I'll never download any kind of illegal stuff.
  5. Good, then we won't get any more questionable remasters from you.
  6. Sure? No, not here or on the other site.
  7. Good!

  8. Oh @Vetri, never change or stop stealing audio without permission.

    Reminder that the info file says:
    Please ask (and wait for permission!) before putting it into any matrix + video production. If you ask nicely for a quality high-res video project, I will likely say yes. If you put it on YouTube or cell phone video production without asking, I will send my cats from hell to chew your computer cables. And if you're a Brazilian with a name that starts with V, and rhymes with tree, you do not have permission to use it for any video project (how much more clear do I need to get?!)
  9. Originally posted by hoserama:[YouTube Video]

    Oh @Vetri, never change or stop stealing audio without permission.

    Reminder that the info file says:
    Please ask (and wait for permission!) before putting it into any matrix + video production. If you ask nicely for a quality high-res video project, I will likely say yes. If you put it on YouTube or cell phone video production without asking, I will send my cats from hell to chew your computer cables. And if you're a Brazilian with a name that starts with V, and rhymes with tree, you do not have permission to use it for any video project (how much more clear do I need to get?!)
  10. Stop motion video