2024-03-02 - Las Vegas
Tour: U2:UV Achtung Baby at the Sphere
Songs played: 24
Audio recordings: 5
  1. RTL2 mp3 256kps 48khz
  2. Thank you Hoserama.
    We can always count on you!!!
    You f*cking rule!!!
  3. Thnx MAESTRO
  4. Is it a good quality / better than the original?
  5. New IEM sounds great, here's hoping an opening night recording gets shared too. i think Bono's vocals on 9/29, as well as 10/5, were the best of the sphere run. Really went for those falsettos
  6. Download and decide!

    (My personal preference is the mix I just released, but I'm biased)
  7. No doubt about it, great work again mate, thank you
  8. Original? Is there anything more original than the latter? There are no cuts or edits, that's what happened. And with very good sound. Everything else you can hear from radio is edited or even from u2.com will be edited. And the sound quality in the mix of these edits sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. If the mixing and editing are not all bad, the two recordings (IEM and broadcast) have their charm. If there was already an official launch it could surpass them. Or not.
  9. Originally posted by Ramone:[..]
    Original? Is there anything more original than the latter? There are no cuts or edits, that's what happened. And with very good sound. Everything else you can hear from radio is edited or even from u2.com will be edited. And the sound quality in the mix of these edits sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. If the mixing and editing are not all bad, the two recordings (IEM and broadcast) have their charm. If there was already an official launch it could surpass them. Or not.
    I don't think he meant the fm broadcasts, but the original mix by Hoserama
  10. It's possible, and I agree on that, I would prefer just IEM
  11. There is one on the shows audio page….3 in fact. One just Bram, one an iem mix with counts and clicks, last a mix of iem feeds with the Hoserama magic
  12. Great Work Hoserama , thank you .