1. Hi bazzzz

  2. Those box sets are worth the expense!!
  3. Agreed! Why they have not put out other Immersion editions i don't know. They all sold well. It would be good to see a few more like them.
  4. I Like Animals Too!My fav!
  5. What about that crazy mf of Syd Barrett?
  6. Originally posted by ELIZIUM:[..]
    Agreed! Why they have not put out other Immersion editions i don't know. They all sold well. It would be good to see a few more like them.
    I think the Early Years sets were something like immersion editions of all pre-Dark Side albums... so probably no chance here for this... But Animals is the only missing (not counting The Final Cut)...
  7. The final cut has gone unnoticed.forgotten
    Form one of their best.love the lyrics.i mean : Interesting
  8. Form * For me