1. Originally posted by tui[..]

    I very keen on seeing the Proshot of the 2006 show too ll be waiting with you sadb7788 .. I'm going to keep searching tho and hopefully some kind soul if they find it will share it with us

    Good searching!
    I hope we will find the show...

  2. Originally posted by sadb7788[..]

    Good searching!
    I hope we will find the show...

    Thank you!! You Too

    Yea me too i have my fingers AND toes crossed
  3. Originally posted by tui[..]

    Oh Brilliant! Thanks so much to everyone

    It's great! I downloaded all the three files and I also put them on a good video-DVD which I'm going to watch within an hour or so. It's really a great show! I can say it because I watched some parts of it.
    I'm really happy to have it!

    Thank to Aidan (if you hadn't put here the links to this show on YouTube I wouldn't have even thought to get it entirely! ) and to the always helpful Spiral Staircase!