1. Just want to say a huge thanks for all the stuff you upload here. There have been so many videos that i've wanted but could not find and then within a day or two their they are without me even requesting them. Wel done and thanks again to one of the unsung heroes of the site
  2. sorry about the spelling error in the topic title. On an unfamiliar computer
  3. I totally agree w/u.
    We owe Asso a lot

    Great work, mate.
  4. Originally posted by germcevoysorry about the spelling error in the topic title. On an unfamiliar computer


    And my appreciation too. Asso does some great work for the U2 community, the guy deserves a statue in Dublin.
  5. Originally posted by Remy[..]


    And my appreciation too. Asso does some great work for the U2 community, the guy deserves a statue in Dublin.

    cheers for fixing that. Didn't want to be praising the guy then appearing that I can't spell his name
  6. Originally posted by Remy[..]


    And my appreciation too. Asso does some great work for the U2 community, the guy deserves a statue in Dublin.

    Not just in Dublin. I reckon all over the world.

    He does a fantastic bloody job, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have half the videos I do now. He should be a U2start VIP member for what he does. Well done and here's to you for the videos and stuff. I couldn't even upload one video let alone that many. But I will try harder and if I can, I'd like to eventually get a much better recording of Adelaide 2006 which is louder and I can upload. Just give me a little time to do this, I reckon this one will get a four star rating...
  7. I have always wondered if Asso is Edge himself...
    I think it could be possible, though he is Italian (or at least he says to be)

    A big THANK YOU for Asso!!!

  8. Originally posted by sadb7788I have always wondered if Asso is Edge himself...

    D'you believe I've had the same thought?

    Crazy, isn'it?
  9. Totally agreed ! This guy ROCKS
    Thank you sooo much Asso
  10. He is kind, isn't he?
    Asso, you'll always have a special place in the U2 community around the world and in my little heart too. A huge thanks for all your efforts.
  11. he reminds me of the edge not just cuz of the pic but in kindness ive always had the impression that Edge is SUPER KIND and maybe asso is edge
  12. Thanks Asso! The stuff you upload is incredible!