1. Love & Mercy

    The Brian Wilson story. I highly recommend this to any music fanatic. Unbelievable story...
  2. The Breakfast Club
  3. The Maze Runner (Scorch trials) - Actually pretty good; better than the first one.

    Minions - Well...

    Back to the Future 1 & 2 - I don't know what all the fuzz is about...?
  4. Ronin..
    I don't remember if I slept but.. if anyone already watched it, what the hell is in the box?

  5. The Martian. Great movie. Really appreciated all the science they put in there. I'd definitely recommend it, especially to scientifically inclined people. It's also a great human story though.
  6. Originally posted by Mr_Trek:The Martian. Great movie. Really appreciated all the science they put in there. I'd definitely recommend it, especially to scientifically inclined people. It's also a great human story though.
    I haven't seen, but I really got interested after hearing an interview with the author and how it was written...
  7. I liked Ronin ..but i don t tremenber what was in the box
  8. Terminator Genesis

    Gotta love Aaahnuld!
  9. I was talking about it a couple days ago and a friend told me that was never revealed
  10. hahah so that s why i coudn t remenber

    today i watched " The Martian" .. 6.5/10
  11. Just saw Divergent and Insurgent.
    Hunger Games 2.0 ?