1. I have just finished downloading a copy of a pro shot carrier dome show from 9 oct 87 and wanted a suitable pic for the menu/front page so i search U2 and joshua tree on google and obviously got a load of album/cd covers and posters etc but I decided to choose something different and it lead me to this site


    They obviously did some of the lighting for various tours including U2 from JT to Zoo

    I have not been through all the pics but some maybe of interest to some people here if you want to browse through them.

    You need to scroll down the page quite a bit


  2. cool, thanks
  3. thanks for the link
    some great pics on this site
  4. Nice. The top lot looks like some sort of fiber-optic cable setup or a central AV/mixing desk or server.

    The stage photos are quite awesome. Nice job you did there.
  5. Great!
  6. Great Zoo TV's photos! Unfortunately the major part is not so big, but thanks for sharing this!

  7. thanks for sharing!!
    amazing photos!!
  8. This both are quite iconic :