1. just want to say that the awesome site is my number 1 place in the internet,and i can say i´m addicted
    to it but i really feel good about it!!!!!this is the place where i can really enjoy u2´s music and always
    meet other persions to talk about it!!!!!!keep up the good work and enjoy u2!!!!!!!!

    my opinion,what´s yours?
  2. Well, it didn't change my life a lot, but it sure did change my life as an U2 fan! I now have all the bootlegs I've ever wanted, met a lot of great new fans and developed my skills as a website developer a lot.
  3. where do I start. My girlfriend hates me because I spend more time on here than I do with her. My hard-drive hates me and there just isn't enough time to do everything else that I need to do because i'm stuck on here all day long.

    Blasted place
  4. modified your topic title a little nuno
  5. I'm completely addicted.
  6. U2start has definitely changed my life!!
    I've met a lot of people... from all over the world!!! places I couldnt even imagine to have U2 fans!!!!
    it's amazing to be able to sure this passion!!!
    and the bootlegs... they have changed my life, been able to have live concerts to enjoy and dream about been there!!
    really out of this world!!

    cheers!! and thanks!!
  7. I have become addicted to this place...really...
    I think there is no U2 site with so lovely people and great bootlegs like this one...
    Remy...keep up this amazing work
  8. Well, it didn't change my life radically, but my Mp3-player is full now with all kinds of bootlegs which I discovered thanks to all of you and thanks to Remy and U2 Start in specific.

    Further on, I always got something to do when I am on the internet. Like now, I got holidays, and when I go online, I always visit this place. Met a lot of nice people here who share the same love in music. And we don't know each other fisically, but we are one...and of course not the same but we carry each other....
  9. Not addicted really, but I do check the forums several times a day to pass the time @ work. I do have a newfound appreciation for bootlegs though!
  10. One more site in my bookmark list. That's it.
    Some cool members, some idiots. The usual stuff.
  11. Originally posted by germcevoymodified your topic title a little nuno

  12. It hasn't really changed my life...I spend much time on the internet, also besides U2start. But it changed my life musically of course . I found performances which I've never heard of before. Video and Audio of course. I rarely listen to albums, which I did much before I found a way to download bootlegs And I met much other fans of course!

    After the discovery of this I may myself call a real 'fan'