1. Hey all,

    A late happy halloween to those who celebrate it!

    I'm not sure where around the world this is celebrated... in the US people dress up and go to parties n stuff. Little kids go around and "trick-or-treat," basically walking door-to-door for candy.

    (If you already know this, I apologize for being redundant. I just hallucinate there are people here who don't ;-P)

    Anyways, I was Bono for Halloween... again.

    The actual costume is VERY basic, ZooTV era, but my specialty is the attitude and the poses that go along with it.

    Most of my friends don't care for my obsession, but I figured you might enjoy 3 pictures. First, a collage...
    Invalid url 'http://[IMG]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/3693/screenshotam5.th.jpg[/IMG]'

    Here are the individual shots...
    1. ***Do you remember the in WOWY during R&H movie, the metal gratings beneath Bono's microphone stand? There was a HUGE spotlight shining upward from beneath it. Well, I saw this area with a metal grating and really really wanted to take a picture on top of it.
    Invalid url 'http://[IMG]http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/4489/bonodarkxh7.th.jpg[/IMG]'

    2. Typical Bono lean, 1 leg up, peace sign.
    Invalid url 'http://[IMG]http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/4868/bonolean1my3.th.jpg[/IMG]'

    3. Awkward-but-typical Bono stance.
    Invalid url 'http://[IMG]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/1184/bonolean2lm3.th.jpg[/IMG]'


  2. Halloween = Irish tradition from the beginning.
  3. thanks for the background

    i was considering checking wikipedia but no need now
  4. Hmm we don't really celebrate it here but it's well known
    Cool pics !
  5. Originally posted by zooTV4all
    Halloween = Irish tradition from the beginning.

    REALLY? The things you learn!

  6. hahaha well excuuuse my ignorance...

    after all, "everything you know is wrong."
  7. Originally posted by u2met86hahaha well excuuuse my ignorance...

    after all, "everything you know is wrong."

    Halloween is massive here but mainly for kids. Not much into it myself

    Like your pics though, good to see you back here Eddie!
  8. Originally posted by u2met861. ***Do you remember the in WOWY during R&H movie, the metal gratings beneath Bono's microphone stand? There was a HUGE spotlight shining upward from beneath it. Well, I saw this area with a metal grating and really really wanted to take a picture on top of it.
    [image] -