1. Originally posted by djrlewis[..]

    Drew - you pay 40% tax here if you earn £34k or more. Obviously you only pay it on what you earn above £34k. Its 22% before that.

    I don't think I'm needing to worry just yet. £34k GBP (correct?) is about $AU73k
  2. Originally posted by drewhiggins[..]

    I don't think I'm needing to worry just yet. £34k GBP (correct?) is about $AU73k

    Yep, correct
  3. Well in Québec, taxes are quite high,

    and I remeber a few hockey player refusing to sign for the because of the high taxe

    but, thanks for your opinion !
  4. I consider it this way :
    Would i be Bono (why can't i dream huh ) and i earned a lot of money for a lot of work, that per incidence is also the most beautiful job i do, would i just let go a third or more of my money to the government because i earned it completely legal while i also can move to Amsterdam and pay less taxes, also 100% legal...?
    Ofcourse the answer is NO. Obviously
    He earns it fair, does a lot for us so let him have the money, he show that he's thankful for it all the money.
    + If he would, he could've also stopped singing 10 years ago or earlier with his money and have a vacation for the rest of his life, but he just keeps going for us and because he loves music, isn't that beautiful enough