1. Post any you know and confirm any you can.

    Did they really have a no banging the groupies rule?
    Did Bono and Adam really have a brokeback moment?
    Was WOWY really the first video to show a titty? (the future Mrs. Edge allegedly)

    Is this a joke?!

    Please, tell me about this....
  3. For gods sake. That type of urban legend exist in almost every band. For some odd reason this reminds me of a coment someone posted on a WOWY performance I found on youtube about how Bono must be a monster in be. Someone else commented only his wife knows. Just tell yourself that that the truth.
  4. Bono did kiss Adam on the lips during at least one show. I forget which show but I definatley saw it.
  5. Did they really have a no banging the groupies rule?
    **** They have all said that they have had a rule about not abusing/taking advantage of the female fans. They are no Led Zeppelin in the 'doing' the groupies thing.

    Did Bono and Adam really have a brokeback moment?
    ***** Are you f*&^ing kidding me? Bono has kissed Adam and Edge many times but hardly a Brokeback moment.

    Was WOWY really the first video to show a titty? (the future Mrs. Edge allegedly)
    ***** Not allegedly - that was Morleigh. MTV insisted on an edited version. But there is the unedited bit where you catch like a nano second of nipple.
  6. Originally posted by anstratdubh1979
    But there is the unedited bit where you catch like a nano second of nipple.

    I would actually be embarrassed to admit that I knew this information if I were you.