1. Out of Control. You realize that in the entire world there is very little you can stop from happening including your eventual death.
  2. Awesome topic I think the entire Boy album is something everyone can relate to; supposedly it's about adolescence, but the lyrics seem so universal that you can apply them to any time in your life. I still listen to it now past adolescence, and it hasn't changed for me.
  3. Kite, for me at least..'Who's to say where the wind will take you, who's to know what it is will break you, I don't know, which way the wind will blow'

    So true..we don't know what's gonna happen to us, only One person knows(that's what I believe..)
  4. One

    Still I'm fighting with the lepers in my head. We all should.
  5. It's impossible (at least for me) to reduce this to name just 1 or 2 songs. The "magic" that makes U2 for me (among some others thing of course) is that I can relate so much to so many of their songs and lyrics. It just leaves me humbled and in awe.......

    However, the song I currently could most relate to is One Tree Hill.

    A mix of a line from that song and from the Shine Like Stars -snippet recently became a kind of motto I relate a whole lot to:
    "And in the world a heart of darkness - We'll shine like stars and it'll be alright"
  6. Beautiful Day

    The first song i liked, got me into the band

    The 'What you dont have you don't need it now...' part at the end is something special for me
  7. it's pretty hard to pick just one song...
    but i have to say something about two of them...
    beautiful day, because even when i'm having a realy crapy day, i listen to it and always makes me fell better...
    an kite, just that line "and when i'm flat on my back, i hope to feel like i did"
    it just says a lot about how life must be lived...and i agree with it, of course....
    and there's walk on..."love...it's all taht you can't leave behind.."
    ok, i'm gonna stop now.... this list could go on forever....
  8. As said by others it can't be reduced to one song. For me, I relate to many songs in different situations for different reasons.
    As many mentioned beautiful day (looots of ATYCLB people here ) I'll give you that as an example, when I'm having a good day, I can relate to it, but one time that it took me was when I felt betrayed by a friend (a very close friend who I thought I could trust), and there came the lyrics:

    You thought you'd found a friend
    To take you out of this place
    Someone you could lend a hand
    In return for grace

    The past tense in "thought" did it for me

    Many other songs have the same effect for me, Bad, So Cruel, Acrobat, One, Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own (in father son situations!), etc.
  9. Maybe I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. That song decribes life. Fantastic
  10. Not a specific song but I can really relate to the lyrics in Walk On:-

    "And I know it aches, how your heart it breaks
    You can only take so much
    Walk on, walk on

    In hard times this really resonates.
  11. stuck in a moment ....that song comes up to me when
    not everything goes the way i want it ...
    then i start singing it and i can say i feel way much better than