1. Originally posted by wtshnnfb01Anyone else think Uf may be the best album vocally?

    I could agree with that maybe. To more be specific, Wire, The Unforgettable Fire, ASOH, Bad, and some of the B-Sides like The Three Sunrises have amazing vocals.
  2. Originally posted by wtshnnfb01Anyone else think Uf may be the best album vocally?

    Definitely. Just listen to The Unforgettable Fire (the song) and you have the answer.
  3. Originally posted by wtshnnfb01Anyone else think Uf may be the best album vocally?
    Well, I can agree on it to be really good, but Joshua mythical vocals and Achtung falsettos do the job pretty much better than any TUF song
  4. Originally posted by wtshnnfb01Anyone else think Uf may be the best album vocally?

    its on top with achtung baby for me...
    it has so much power those two albums, and brought us the best songs of them..TUF, Bad, Pride, ASOH, Acrobat, One, Until the end of te world, So cruel, ove is blindness.

    so it is defenitly has top vocals of The man, but on TUF you can hear hes young and fresh, and on AB hes grown up and more man... i think.