1. For Tim. A Croke Park 2017 promo cassette...

  2. I've since ordered Rattle and Hum on cassette.

  3. O' Connell Street (Dublin) Bootlegs as they were often known back in the 1980s.
    This is the Croke Park 27 June 1987 show which came in two parts.

  4. Newspaper clipping from the day after my first U2 show, August 1992. More of a personal collectible than something anyone else would want.
  5. These are THE BEST collectibles, period
  6. Can anyone tell me was zooropa released in coloured vinyl ?
  7. All fake

  8. My favorite poster (sorry for the reflection). From Joshua Tree era.
  9. Yes, Yseilys, no official Island Releases. Island didn't released coloured Zooropa Vinyls