1. There is a new You Too, you can vote for this new poll on the frontpage and discuss it in this thread.

    The last You Too:

    What is the best album name out of these names? (started on 2008-12-15)

    Achtung Baby - 48.7%
    The Unforgettable Fire - 26.2%
    All That You Can't Leave Behind - 19.4%
    How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb - 5.7%

    Votes: 279

    The question of this new You Too is:

    Who is your favorite U2 producer?

    - Steve Lillywhite
    - Brian Eno / Daniel Lanois
    - Jimmy Lovine
    - Flood / Howie B.
    - Can't choose / someone else / don't know

    Please vote on the frontpage of the website, in this thread you can tell us why you voted for your answer.
    Your vote is valued! Thank you!
  2. I voted on Brian Eno/Danny Lanois, but I think this question depends on the next album.
  3. eno/lanois for me... lillywhite close 2nd.
  4. Where's Rick Rubin?

    Well, though I have highest respect for Rubin and love the work he did with U2 and Johnny Cash I have to admit that his latest Metallica effort was no production masterpiece.

    I'll vote for Eno/Lanois. They produced the U2 albums I love most.

  5. Eno/Lanois again for me.
  6. I voted Jimmy Iovine. Why? Because everyone deserves to be loved. And because this question is a bit ridiculous; everyone is obviously going to pick Danny and Brian.

    A little harder next time Remy, like:
    Who would most likely win in a fight to the death armed with only a shovel? or Which dictator most accuractely represents the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For?

    Joyeuses fetes!
  7. Originally posted by rmann83:I voted Jimmy Iovine. Why? Because everyone deserves to be loved. And because this question is a bit ridiculous; everyone is obviously going to pick Danny and Brian.

    A little harder next time Remy, like:
    Who would most likely win in a fight to the death armed with only a shovel? or Which dictator most accuractely represents the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For?

    Joyeuses fetes!

    If you have serious recommendations, my PM box is always open Gladly to receive polls, it's difficult enough each week.
  8. Eno/Lanois
  9. Originally posted by Remy:[..]

    If you have serious recommendations, my PM box is always open Gladly to receive polls, it's difficult enough each week.

    Am I EVER serious?
  10. was it Flood / Howie B who did Pop? i will go for them (even thought i went Lanois and Eno on the poll)