1. What time did it leak then?
  2. This is so hard, part of me wants to put in in the player for the first time and listen to the cd and part of me just wants to go download it right now. This is painful
  3. At Last , well i can't blame myself , the album will be released here aftet at least 2 monthes
  4. Im kinda glad I cant find the leak. I think I would rather wait but from reading some posts, the album sounds amazing!
  5. Way to lay down the law, Remy!

    Still not dowloading it.... not gonna do it... staying strong....

  6. @U2.com

    Update: Universal Australia is no longer selling the album; it was available for about 1-2 hours.
  7. Conspiracy Theory: They did it on purpose

    well guys they prob didnt do on purpose but someone had to burst out with it ... available to buy here in dublin on 27th so not long to go , got the album today . not disclosing how , but will purchase original on 27th .... all i would reccomend is if yous are lifelong fans like me .. yous will buy too
  8. As a newbie, here's my 2 cents worth:

    I have every intention of buying the album when it's available. However, as pretty much all albums I get tend to, it'll be played once for purposes of loading in to Itunes and then filed away (yes I do have a large collection of pretty much mint cd's, for this reason !)

    I'll be getting hold of a download, if I can, though, as I've heard/read so much teaser info about it I'm sick of waiting-I'll go crazy if I don't hear this CD 2nite!

    Will still get the CD for the sake of the extras, and to be a good boy and pay my dues........
  9. Originally posted by vertiginous:As a newbie, here's my 2 cents worth:

    I have every intention of buying the album when it's available. However, as pretty much all albums I get tend to, it'll be played once for purposes of loading in to Itunes and then filed away (yes I do have a large collection of pretty much mint cd's, for this reason !)

    I'll be getting hold of a download, if I can, though, as I've heard/read so much teaser info about it I'm sick of waiting-I'll go crazy if I don't hear this CD 2nite!

    Will still get the CD for the sake of the extras, and to be a good boy and pay my dues........

  10. I bought the CD for all the extras, too. Now I just need for it to arrive in the mail!