1. There is a new You Too, you can vote for this new poll on the frontpage and discuss it in this thread.

    The last You Too:

    What is the best live incarnation of Streets? (poll started on 2009-03-26)

    Elevation tour - 32.3%
    Joshua Tree tour / Lovetown - 21.7%
    ZooTV - 20.3%
    Popmart - 18.5%
    Vertigo tour - 7.1%

    Votes: 507

    The question of this new You Too is:

    What will you wear on the new U2 tour?

    - Just casual clothes I always wear
    - One of my U2 related t-shirts
    - A U2start t-shirt
    - A U2.com 360-tour t-shirt
    - A Chris Martin t-shirt

    Please vote on the frontpage of the website, in this thread you can tell us why you voted for your answer.
    Your vote is valued! Thank you!
  2. A U2start shirt!!!
  3. I'm gonna go nude.
  4. U2start t-shirt
  5. I'd love to get one of the U2Start shirts
  6. U2Start-shirt...although Yeah's option seems cool too
  7. i voted for casual clothes,but actually im gonna wear my hippy-clothes...headscarf and one cool shirt i've got...
  8. U2start and Chris Martin shirts. I'll vote for Chris Martin
  9. Probably a U2 related shirt, MAYBE a U2start shirt, if I get one

    Very cool my friend!
  10. A U2Start Shirt, I'm going to order one in May