1. the logo is quite cool as it also looks like u2.ie (dot ireland)
  2. It's really happening, right?
  3. 25, 26, 29 and 30th of November 2015 rumoured to be London dates
  4. Right, we're back Thanks for the fix, Remy!!

    So, summarizing, these are the rumoured European dates so far:

    TURIN (4+5 Sep) BERLIN (end Sep) COLOGNE (17+18 Oct) LONDON (25-30 Oct) GLASGOW (6+7 Nov) PARIS (10-15 Nov) BARC (end Nov)
  5. No Dublin rumors yet?

  6. Not yet, but if there's one city we can be 120% sure will get concerts, that's Dublin (at least on the first legs of the tour - 2010 set a different standard )
  7. I know, I didn't mean if, but when
  8. I'd put money on the fact that they won't release any Dublin date for 2015, I bet it'll be stadiums only in 2016.