2010-10-08 - Rome
Tour: U2 360° Tour
Songs played: 26
Audio recordings: 5
Videos: 1
  1. Where is the setlist of the latest evening in Europe?
    I can't find it at any sites
  2. All setlists are here on the site as well, they are from u2gigs. Tonights gig hasnt been played, so no setlist yet
  3. O how I wish I was in sunny Rome right now!
    Have a whale of a time you all , over there!!!!

    Looking forward to your reviews!
  4. Originally posted by Risto:All setlists are here on the site as well, they are from u2gigs. Tonights gig hasnt been played, so no setlist yet

    Sorry,sorry, I was wrong with the date. Now I can looking forward, I'll wait till tomorrow.
    Anyone in Rome................have a nice evening. I see you(2).
  5. I'm sorry I can't join Tina, René, Juul and Edith today in Rome, but I always have the memories of Coimbra.To warm you up for the show of tonight. Have fun.

    I hope you like the video.
  6. Amazing stadium in an amazing kind of Olympic village. Lots of people can fit in here. Gonna be amazing! Best from the sounddesk
  7. Still no interest in this show? Interpol grows nice band.
  8. Iv'e always liked Interpol. I wish we had the chance to hear them in the states.

    When does the show start? I'm on my break from the students!!
  9. Very interested Remy haha
    Ready for the laughing gas
  10. I'm feeling a bit sad tonight, but I hope they'll close the leg with an amazing gig, thus we will be able to say finally "What a leg".
  11. I was bored to death by Interpol in Brussels but that's just me, no offence to those who like them

    I'm sure tonight will see a great show not long from now...until.... SHOW TIME