1. How can you do a survey to see if people would save Achtung Baby OR an album which hasn't been released???
  2. Which song from NLOTH needs to be played?
    a) Stand Up Comedy
    b) Fez: Being Born
    c) White As Snow
    d) Cedars of Lebanon

  3. It's Fez - Being Born

    Besides, I think these songs just wouldn't 'work' live...

  4. NLOTH and Pop, the failed U2 experiments
  5. Originally posted by thejonner:If you had U2 in your house and it caught fire and you could only rescue one of them, which one would you save?

    The Edge
    Larry Mullen Jr
    Adam Clayton

    none, we would die singing "Desire"
  6. and the fever is getting higher.... desiiiiiiiiiireee....desiiiiiiiiiiiireeheh
  7. What about:
    Which song do you listen to to get pumped up for something like a football game?
    A) Even Better Than The Real Thing
    B) Get On Your Boots
    C) Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
    D) Vertigo
    E) other...