1. Ahhh right. Hopefully we get some a few acoustic tracks tonight on the TV.
  2. did you like the performance on the italian tv channel? I think they were on fire, super unplugged versions of the three songs, i will record them
  3. Every tv appereance or else i usually tape it...
    Good shape! I was afraid they could play somewhere in the subway in Milan...while i was home.warm.as a bear
  4. morello and zack de la rocha of ratm are not particular nice persons but good musicians , imo. Here the new single of Management aka MGMT if you want
  5. hi frineds, hi u2start just a technical question?
    Why i can browse the site , yours site,with firefox and not with safari?
    I'm subscribed . Thanks
  6. friends pardon
  7. what do you think about apple bought shazam?