1. At least they survived 6 seasons (one of them anyway) which would be almost impossible in Game of thrones !!
  2. We'll finally meet King Ezekiel and his pet Tiger, Shiva
  3. I dunno....TWD seems to be a tougher world in which to survive. Supposedly only three of the original group members are left! In GoT, we still have all three Lannister siblings, a few Starks (and a Snow), and Daenerys (I had to look up how to spell that) still going strong.

    In any event, I see your point! Both great shows that keep you guessing....and I should also compare survival "ratios" between in show!

    Afterthought: Which was more shocking: The Mountain crushing what's his name's skull in S4 of GoT or what Negan did the other night on TWD?
  4. Yes I am counting Morgan.
  5. Good ending! Now we have to wait until october
  6. Season 1:
  7. So 100 episodes in and it's the first time I'm up to speed. What a cracking start to season 8!! I am Negan!!
  8. i haven't watched an ep since Negan swang Lucille, is it worth catching up on? It started to feel like a chore to watch the show.
  9. I hate Negan