1. planning on getting my first tattoo, and it's gonna be u2 related I'll go to a well known parlor in my area tomorrow and see what they think of my ideas... I'm so excited!
  2. Originally posted by flowerchild:planning on getting my first tattoo, and it's gonna be u2 related I'll go to a well known parlor in my area tomorrow and see what they think of my ideas... I'm so excited!
    Cool, i have a tatoo but not U2 related.
    Post a picture when it's finished?
  3. Originally posted by flowerchild:planning on getting my first tattoo, and it's gonna be u2 related I'll go to a well known parlor in my area tomorrow and see what they think of my ideas... I'm so excited!
    You know how the saying goes... Pics or didn't happen
  4. will definitely post it when it's done!
  5. my right lower arm will be completely U2 themed. will be done in September. So stay tuned
  6. no , i'm too old ahhahahaaa
  7. sorry and my english is bad, i would write " much old"
  8. ...here's to you, J
  9. I survived, it's all done I'll post a picture once the bruising is gone and it's all healed up! must admit... it hurt a lot but it won't be my last.