1. Nelson Mandela is reportedly in critical health condition...

    Pray for him if you are the praying kind.

  2. sad sad moments for the Humanity
  3. I heard the news last week already, but then it seemed to look better again for him. Sad feeling in my heart, sending prayers his way that he will recover again despite age and all

    wasn't there this 46664 song where U2 or Bono and Edge got their hands on ? Need to check on that.
  4. Maybe it's just time to let him go. He's 94.
  5. Ah well, as dieder said, he's 94. We've all gotta go someday. Better for his sake that he passes quickly rather than spending months drawing out a miserable final stage of your life in morbid hospitals where he's probably barely even conscious anyway.
  6. It's sad indeed but everyone has their time to go and that is very apparent for Mr. Mandela. He's done more than a lot for South Africa and humanity, which can say a lot of what we as people are capable of doing.

  7. +1

    He did big things ...but he is old now ..he need to take a rest
  8. It will be a sad day when he passes away...a definite hero...he has done so much for South Africa
  9. he did veryyyyyy much for South Africa of course .. but i say he did a lot for the conscience of everyone .. at least he should have
  10. 95 today