1. Croatia - Belgium - 2
    Denmark - Italy - 2
    Germany - Republic of Ireland - 1
    Ukraine - Poland - 2
    Ivory Coast - Senegal - 1
  2. Croatia - Belgium 3
    Denmark - Italy 3
    Germany - Republic of Ireland 1
    Ukraine - Poland 3
    Ivory Coast - Senegal 1
  3. Matches Round 3
    Croatia - Belgium - 2
    Denmark - Italy - 3
    Germany - Republic of Ireland - 1
    Ukraine - Poland - 1
    Ivory Coast - Senegal - 1

    Results Round 3
    Andrew_C - 3
    bartajax - 3
    BelgianBono - 3
    clover68 - 3
    davec82 - 3
    Hans23 - 3
    lucas_ramos1000 - 3
    patou2 - 3
    Risto - 3
    skidevil - 3
    u2lemonman - 3
    AidanFormigioni - 2
    Alvin - 2
    iTim - 2
    LikeASong - 2
    Mr_Trek - 2
    Remy - 1
    ver2go - 1

    League Results (after 3 rounds)
    1. Andrew_C - 10
    1. patou2 - 10
    3. BelgianBono - 9
    3. skidevil - 9
    5. lucas_ramos1000 - 8
    5. Risto - 8
    5. u2lemonman - 8
    8. AidanFormigioni - 7
    8. bartajax - 7
    8. clover68 - 7
    8. davec82 - 7
    8. iTim - 7
    8. Mr_Trek - 7
    8. Remy - 7
    15. LikeASong - 6
    15. ver2go - 6
    17. Alvin - 5
    17. Hans23 - 5
    19. wowow - 2

    New fixtures will be posted soon.
  4. Round 4 Fixtures:

    Anyone can join in. Just copy/paste these matches, fill in a result (1, 2 or 3) and post your reply.

    Newcastle United - Liverpool
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux
    Twente - Ajax
    Fiorentina - Juventus
    Roma - Napoli

    matches to be played on 18, 19 and 20 October! Good luck
  5. Newcastle United - Liverpool - 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux - 3
    Twente - Ajax - 3
    Fiorentina - Juventus - 2
    Roma - Napoli - 1
  6. Newcastle United - Liverpool 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux 1
    Twente - Ajax 3
    Fiorentina - Juventus 3
    Roma - Napoli 3
  7. Newcastle United - Liverpool 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux 1 (We must!)
    Twente - Ajax 2
    Fiorentina - Juventus 1
    Roma - Napoli 1
  8. Newcastle United - Liverpool 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux 1
    Twente - Ajax 2
    Fiorentina - Juventus 2
    Roma - Napoli 1
  9. Newcastle United - Liverpool - 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux - 1
    Twente - Ajax - 1
    Fiorentina - Juventus - 2
    Roma - Napoli - 1
  10. Newcastle United - Liverpool - 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux - 1
    Twente - Ajax - 2
    Fiorentina - Juventus - 2
    Roma - Napoli - 1
  11. Newcastle United - Liverpool ................. 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux ............ 1
    Twente - Ajax ......................................... 2
    Fiorentina - Juventus ............................. 2
    Roma - Napoli ..................................... 1 (might edit it)
  12. Newcastle United - Liverpool - 2
    Olympique Lyonnais - Bordeaux - 1
    Twente - Ajax - 2
    Fiorentina - Juventus - 2
    Roma - Napoli - 3