1. ^ it means review is on the way?
  2. ^ oh, sorry, I forgot you reviewed already So it's three of us
  3. Shall we just skip to Sergio again?
  4. Okay, I'm back after a hiatus due to personal problems which I won't get into.

    What are the albums I need to review?
  5. The Heavy - The House That Dirt Built
    Archive - You All Look The Same To Me
  6. Okay, easy. Can do them next week early.
  7. Yup, would be nice lol (just kidding)
  8. We don't have a dedicated Frank Turner topic... but since we did a Frank album on this thread (that should come back soon) some time ago, I feel like it's a fine place to tell you all he's got a new album out called Positive Songs For Netagive People, and it's pretty much amazing.

  9. I'm in!