2011-10-15 - Hollywood, California - Hollywood Bowl (2)


Notas de la actuación: Bono and Edge and other stars gather to honour former US President Bill Clinton’s charitable work and 65th birthday at the A Decade Of Difference concert. The set by Bono and Edge is the last of the evening and their performance features the live debut of A Man And A Woman, almost seven years after its release. It was dedicated to Chelsea Clinton and her husband Mark. Staring At The Sun was performed for the first time since 24 October 2001. Earlier in the evening, Bono appeared with K'Naan for a song; this appearance has a separate listing.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canciones por album

  1. Rattle and Hum (1)
  2. The Joshua Tree (1)
  3. War (1)
  4. Pop (1)
  5. Achtung Baby (1)
  6. Passengers (1)

mejores versiones de la canción

  1. Staring At The Sun (6 votos)
  2. A Man And A Woman (3 votos)

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asistentes al concierto: 6

5 usuarios de California: KenL, dmb421, fieryern, lefbab, popbonobuzzbaby
1 de Virginia: PatrickHenry

reseña por Bullet_Blue

7 años atrás


I wish I could see the band doing something like MTV Unplugged, and this concert (although with Bono and The Edge only) is the closest thing to that.


Esta parte sólo está puntuada, no hay comentario
Grabación: FM Aerial Broadcast - 4.5 estrellas


Esta parte sólo está puntuada, no hay comentario


This show points out three things:
1) if they want, they're still a band full of new and original ideas
2) Bono still has a great voice
3) Pop exists, but as Edge said "who knows Last Night On Earth?". Surely, not the 70% of the people who goes at their concerts just to hear the usual hits or the new tunes.

todas las reseñas

Concierto general  
ahn1991 Leer más
udoi Leer más
MrSwaggerV2 Leer más
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patou2 Leer más
Bullet_Blue Leer más

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FM Aerial Broadcast

  • Orígenes: FM Aerial Broadcast
  • Calidad basada en reseñas:
  • Descargas: 1625

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Audience microphone

  • Orígenes: Audience microphone
  • Créditos: JEMS (Audio Taper)
  • Equipo: Edirol R-09HR (Audio recording device), Church Audio CA-11 (Microphone)
  • Linaje: Church Audio CA-11 Cardioid Mics > Edirol R-09HR > Peak 6.0 > .wav > FLAC
  • Descargas: 38
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Bit rate: 600, bit depth: 16, velocidad de muestra: 44100, canales: 2
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