1987-10-20 - Iowa City, Iowa - Carver - Hawkeye Arena


Notas de la actuación: Since dislocating his shoulder on 20 September 1987 in Washington DC, Bono has had his arm in a sling. This is the first concert where he does not need the sling and he is relieved. Trip Through Your Wires is dedicated to his "once broken and now mended arm".
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

canciones por album

  1. The Joshua Tree (8)
  2. The Unforgettable Fire (4)
  3. War (3)
  4. Boy (1)
  5. October (1)

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asistentes al concierto: 6

2 usuarios de Iowa: marus1987, trstno1
1 de Colorado: Jdam
1 de Minnesota: moneyman2u
1 de Connecticut: numda01

reseña por IAFAN

10 años atrás


Esta parte sólo está puntuada, no hay comentario


Esta parte sólo está puntuada, no hay comentario
Grabación: Audience microphone - 3.5 estrellas


Esta parte sólo está puntuada, no hay comentario


This was my first U2 show. Met Bono before the show. Hours before they were warming up and we found our way into a lobby type entrance where there were ticket windows. Nobody was there so we stood and listened, but could not see the stage. After about 5 minutes Bono appears from behind the ticket window. We were in shock. We went and talked to him. He asked if we had tickets to the show, which we did, but they were not good. He said to stop back to the ticket window later and he'd leave better tickets..turns out for a section that didn't even exist. My friend got his autograph and later we laughed about the joke Bono played on us by offering bogus tickets. A moment I'll never forget.

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  • Descargas totales: 436


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Audience microphone

  • Orígenes: Audience microphone
  • Calidad basada en reseñas:
  • Descargas: 407
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Audio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, velocidad de muestra: 44100, canales: 2
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Descarga via Mega.co.nz

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