1989-09-21 - Perth, Australia - Entertainment Centre


Auftrittbemerkungen : Live debuts of Hawkmoon 269, Desire, All I Want Is You, and God Part II. Hawkmoon 269 is considerably different to the studio version: although the song is shorter overall, its intro is extended and features beautiful and ethereal guitar work by The Edge. Its seven future performances are done in the same style.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

Songs nach Album

  1. Rattle and Hum (8)
  2. The Joshua Tree (7)
  3. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  4. War (2)
  5. Boy (1)
  6. October (1)

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Konzertbesucher: 1

1 Benutzer aus Australia: Stu22

bewertung von carbide

vor 2 Jahren


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It's fine for my ears. I'm quite used to lower quality audience recordings myself so this sounds fine, but this won't suit any newcomers to bootlegs very well, especially with the cuts.
Aufnahme: Audience microphone - 2 Sterne


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From what we have, it sounds great. Everybody's firing on all cylinders and Bono is at the top of his Lovetown self. We already have some interesting things, such as the completely different God Part II solo to the extra phrasings on Where the Streets Have No Name, which would become rarer as the tour went on. Some snippets here also would slowly be dropped as the tour went on, one of which would be revived in the final Rotterdam show, being So You Want to be a Rock 'N' Roll Star in Desire. If this show was complete I'd give it a higher rating, but it still gets a very solid 8/10 from what we have.

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  1. Stu and Bono