1993-09-03 - Los Angeles, California - Universal Ampitheater

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Performance notes: Edge only - MTV Video Music Awards
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

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  1. Zooropa (1)
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katılanları göster: 1

yorumu yapan brianjones

12 yıl önce


Just the Edge. At the time I was working for MCA Concerts and this was an MCA Venue. 1993 MTV Video Music Awards show. Really cool that year some great bands played. Not sure if a lot of people know but during the commercial breaks the bands usually play a song. Aerosmith played Big Ten Inch, kind of cool.

On with it. Edge came out, sat in a chair and lip sync'd to Numb with video monitors around him.

America was not 100% receptive of Zooropa and the whole military outfits so this went over most people's heads.

5 stars by me, hey it was taped, you cant go wrong here. I think the audio may be "official" or Viacom owns the rights that is why there is no audio here.


Bu bölüm sadece değerlendirilmiştir, yorumlanmamıştır


Ugh, mostly industry people and LA trash. Was not U2 show


See it on You Tube. It was a 1 off with just the Edge. Kinda cool to see it live though.

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