man, 37
Leeft in:
The Netherlands
Software engineer
U2? :)
Forum berichten:
17 jaren geleden
88 shows tijdens 8 tours
persoonlijke records

1992-06-11 - Stockholm
"U2 was in great mood, as they were oft.."
Alle 20 recensies
Songs Of Experience
Remy heeft 12 songs van het Songs Of Experience album live gehoord.
Alle 15 albums

favoriete tour: ZOO TV
"Although I've never witnessed this tour I love everything about it. The characters, the extravaganza, the band, the album. What a historic tour."
favoriete show: 1992-05-22 - Milan
"Every song during this show was nailed to perfection. Bono's voice was at his absolute top. The crowd carried the show. Just pure perfection."
favoriete album: Achtung Baby
"It wasn't my first favourite U2 album, but after a few years it secured that spot and it never moved. A true masterpiece."
favoriete nummer: Bad
"This is when God walks in the room, if I have to quote Bono. The intro gives me chills every time. Any show is considered perfect if Bad shows up."

over Remy
I'm Remy, born and raised in The Netherlands. I was born in The Hague and my family moved to the far east of Holland when I was 3, moving back to the The Hague area some 20 years later. When I was 14 I started building websites, at 20 I started building U2start, and here we are.
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tapers profiel
Betrokken bij audio opnames: 11
Meest populair: 2015-05-14 - Vancouver
("Selected broadcast iHeartRadio", 3125 downloads)

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