2017-11-11 - London, England - Trafalgar Square


  1. Sunday Bloody Sunday / The Magnificent Seven (snippet)
  2. Pride (In The Name Of Love)
  3. Gift (snippet) / Get Out Of Your Own Way
  4. You're The Best Thing About Me
  5. Beautiful Day / Starman (snippet)
  6. Elevation
  7. Vertigo / Rebel Rebel (snippet)
  8. One / Invisible (snippet)
  9. Get Out Of Your Own Way
Notes de la performance: U2 perform for the MTV EMAs. The first performance of Get Out Of Your Own Way is aired the following day, when the band receive the Global Icon award. Before the second performance the audience is told it is being filmed for a music video.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

chansons par album

  1. Songs Of Experience (3)
  2. All That You Can't Leave Behind (2)
  3. War (1)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (1)
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (1)
  6. Achtung Baby (1)

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Participants au concert: 36

24 utilisateurs de United Kingdom:
1000yoda, Alandslide, Ali709, CHINNERS, Edi, GoodVoice, Gutlord, Juetu, LetItGo, MarkPeterborough, Nige78, Prior86, Rhino554, Turkued, blade, hawkmoon_269, jonah01, markreed, mulls, neilgohil, pauljallen, quiksilver, samko, u01jth0

4 de Netherlands: Josie, Remy, agniet, michelpas
3 de Ireland: DBUGGY, badirishcharlie, innuendo141
1 de Denmark: Maiken
1 de France: Judith86
1 de Australia: mofothethird

revue par U232323

il y a 6 années


New songs played well and much better live than on the album - otherwise a very safe setlist sticking to their mainstream hits. Bono's voice was good despite the cold - he rambled on a bit as he does but it's all with good intentions. Band seemed in good spirits - Bono's coat fitting to the occasion.


Cette partie est seulement évaluée, pas commentée


Felt like half the audience was there for Guetta and it was cold but generally crowd was appreciative, supportive, pockets of die hards but not wild or crazy as some press articles are saying.


Nothing like the atmosphere with the JT shows but good to hear the new songs. Small intimate setting allowed you to see the band play. Always good to see them live and this didn't disappoint.

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"Live Appearances For ''Songs of Experience''"

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  • Credits: UMSound (Silver Manufacturer), ELIZIUM (Uploader)
  • Origine: [UMsound - UMS 201718SOE] > iTunes > AAC > mp4
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Bit rate: 264, bit depth: 16, taux d'échantillonnage: 44100, chaînes: 2
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  • Credits: BigGiRL (Recording transferer), unknown (Audio Taper), ELIZIUM (Recording transferer)
  • Origine: [mixlr] > mp3 > Adobe Audition CC > .wav > fre:ac > mp3
  • Téléchargements: 55
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Bit rate: 256, bit depth: 16, taux d'échantillonnage: 48000, chaînes: 2
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photos de Carl Jones (5)

Voir tout le set | ajouté: il y a 6 années
  1. U2 Trafalgar Square 11/11/2017
  2. U2 Trafalgar Square 11/11/2017
  3. U2 Trafalgar Square 11/11/2017

photos de Chris J Ratcliffe (2)

Voir tout le set | ajouté: il y a 6 années
  1. U2 at Trafalgal Square
  2. U2 at Trafalgal Square