1983-03-30 - London, England - BBC TV 'Top Of The Pops'

şarkı listesi

  1. Two Hearts Beat As One / Let's Twist Again (snippet)
Performance notes: U2 appear on Top Of The Pops and play to a backing tape as per show policy. This is the date the band was recorded; the show was broadcast the next day.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

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  1. War (1)
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Hiçbir U2start kullanıcısı bu konsere katılmadı.

yorumu yapan mookymookins

15 yıl önce


The bands performance was really good. It's is a shame they were miming. I love the way Larry adds a bit of cowbell in to freshen it up and Bono's snippet of Let's Twist Again. The good thing about U2's TOTP appearences in the 80's was that they always recorded a new version to make it sound live


Great sound. That's all im sayin
Kayıt: Audience microphone - 5 yıldız


Well considering it's TOTP in the 80's everyone was obviously dancing and yes i watched it on youtube thats how i know about the dancing and Bono picked a girl from the audience when he sang the Lets Twist again snippet


Well for the One song included and the snippet its pretty good

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