1993-08-28 - Dublin
Gira: ZOO TV
Canciones tocadas: 24
Grabaciones de audio: 9
Videos: 1
  1. A special series of #U2liveshow dedicated to U2's upcoming 40th anniversary. We will broadcast 5 legendary U2 recordings from 27 August to 24 September, every Saturday. Many coincide (closely) with special anniversaries. Enjoy!

    About #U2liveshow
    As part of #U2liveshow we will host many liveshows (audio, but also video if possible) with lots of interesting stuff around it. We will plan them on different dates and times to accommodate as many fans as possible. Every liveshow will also have a rotating host, which will be crew members and fans such as yourself. If you want to host one, let us know!

    About this show
    We'll kick off our #U240 series with the show that took place on 28 August 1993 in Dublin at the RDS Arena. "An instant classic!"

    1993-08-28 - Dublin, Ireland - R.D.S. Arena

    Broadcast details
    Date and time: Saturday 28 August, 7:30 PM GMT
    By who: Cesar will be your host.
    Where: In this topic and on our Mixlr

    We hope to see you there, add it to your calendar
  2. We're pulling out the big guns with these liveshows.
    I know that the RDS show is the favorite bootleg for many people, so you have no excuses: I'll see you there, otherwise you're dead to me
    Spoiler (click to toggle)
    (no you're not)
  3. Wowowow.

    What a great series. iHeart Festival on the 23rd and then Sarajevo liveshow on the 24th.

  4. This was my first U2 bootleg, and how I found this community! Hopefully I'll be able to tune in...
  5. Dublin '93 was the first bootleg for a lot of us What a night, what a show... Zoorrrrropa is aaawwwll owwwver!
  6. One of the best shows I've been to. Spend two wonderful weeks in Ireland, arriving on August 26th on my own, without any tickets for the shows, bought them on O'Connel Bridge (for the 27th) and later at a record store (for the 28th) two hours after landing and meeting Edge at Windmill Lane that very evening, wishing him good look for remembering all those lyrics for "Numb" the next two nights. The whole atmosphere at RDS was great, those white tents behind the stands having been delivered by a company from my hometown, as I found out on night 1...being interviewed by RTE, who by error thought I was working for the very company that had delivered the tents...and then those two shows, standing next to the frontman of the Stereo MCs on night two (who, by the way, was stoned out of mind)...ah, great memories! I'd love to be here next Saturday, unfortunately our band have a show to play ourselves...
  7. Originally posted by Papo:One of the best shows I've been to. Spend two wonderful weeks in Ireland, arriving on August 26th on my own, without any tickets for the shows, bought them on O'Connel Bridge (for the 27th) and later at a record store (for the 28th) two hours after landing and meeting Edge at Windmill Lane that very evening, wishing him good look for remembering all those lyrics for "Numb" the next two nights. The whole atmosphere at RDS was great, those white tents behind the stands having been delivered by a company from my hometown, as I found out on night 1...being interviewed by RTE, who by error thought I was working for the very company that had delivered the tents...and then those two shows, standing next to the frontman of the Stereo MCs on night two (who, by the way, was stoned out of mind)...ah, great memories! I'd love to be here next Saturday, unfortunately our band have a show to play ourselves...
    Wow man, that's amazing memories Wishing Edge good luck for remembering Numb lyrics, haha
  8. And there are so much more memories regarding that trip...after the second Dublin show, I traveled the country for ten days, on my own, with buses and I also did a lot of walking. Everywhere people played the recording of that show, be it a tourist information centre in Cork or a pub near Galway. I hadn't even been aware that the show had been broadcast. But back to the gigs:
    I also had no idea who that tall woman was that came on stage during "Tryin' to throw..", or, better said, I did not recognize her.However, I did recognize members of the Rolling Stones in the VIP area at both Dublin shows. During the day, Macnas were in the city centre, wearing those big masks with our four lads caricatured faces. Later they were on stage at the show or before the show, can't remember...
  9. The only bootleg I have on CD (togethet with Amsterdam 2005)
  10. Originally posted by Papo:And there are so much more memories regarding that trip...after the second Dublin show, I traveled the country for ten days, on my own, with buses and I also did a lot of walking. Everywhere people played the recording of that show, be it a tourist information centre in Cork or a pub near Galway. I hadn't even been aware that the show had been broadcast. But back to the gigs:
    I also had no idea who that tall woman was that came on stage during "Tryin' to throw..", or, better said, I did not recognize her.However, I did recognize members of the Rolling Stones in the VIP area at both Dublin shows. During the day, Macnas were in the city centre, wearing those big masks with our four lads caricatured faces. Later they were on stage at the show or before the show, can't remember...
    The big masks came on stage before the Zooropa show Wow, brilliant memories. I wish you were here on Aug 27th in order to relive these moments with us. Anyway, thanks for sharing!
  11. Today is the day