1993-05-10 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Feyenoord Stadium


Performance notes: It's Bono's 33rd birthday, so Edge sings Party Girl for him.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (9)
  2. The Joshua Tree (4)
  3. War (2)
  4. Rattle and Hum (2)
  5. Boy (1)
  6. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

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show attendees: 97

91 users from Netherlands:
BAD48, Backdraft, Bonovoxke, Eelkie, Flash71, FromU22U, Gringo, HHJA, Han1974, Iwanderer, Janus02, Jay2u, Joene1, MPDZU274, Maarten909, MarcoW, MartinRomeling, Mikyboo65, Nieuwland84, Patricku2fan, PiM1975, PieterR7, PoPmart360, RobertZijlstra, Soundwall, Stephan61, Summeroflove, TOBBY, U2015, U2123, U24me, Vertigo_05, WenA, WithStyle, Zwervervriend, backcorner, bonoman, civic5629, cjkos, dannygalis, dissident, edbale1969, edbale69, eder, emiel, enak12, ericriet, eviltwin, fv45pfap, geoffrey70, gewoontoon, gogme, haag, harold28, hkle77, janettevbvg, jeroenpolman, magnolia61, marcelfanclub, marco1971, marcusje, mari, mhooft, mofoganda, mvdb, noiseless, petterson, phofstee, pierrecas, r0b0n0, renebeike, revo11, ronsanjoy, rubenennoa, sleus, teaparty, tk627, u2fanmm, u2joost, u2reiniertje, veltbakkers, ver2go, vertigo05suug, vlietp, wernerterhorst, wizardvanos, wobbel, woninck, yout0078, youtoo69, yvie

1 from United Arab Emirates: iambic
1 from Belgium: santiago1969
1 from Germany: WilliamBlake4U2
1 from United Kingdom: OptimaX
1 from California: anstratdubh1979

review by DanielLikeAlbum

3 years ago


Fantastic performance from everyone tonight including the party boy (Bono) who is in a great mood tonight and makes the performance a fun listen while also combining the fun listen to aspect to an all-round solid early Zooropa leg show, even with a couple of minor mistakes such as Edge flubbing on NYD they don't take that much from the overall enjoyment of the show so you can be sure that listening to this show is a good idea.


Clear sounding audience recording though in spots the recording does get slightly overblown and the audience are a bit hard to hear in spots if you're not paying attention, luckily though despite these flaws the music played on stage tonight is captured well for the most part and sounds better than the audio you can find on the audience film from the show.
Recording: "Bono's Birthday Party" - 4 stars


The crowd for tonight are really good as they sing along to basically every song in the set, give the show energy and seem to be engaged throughout the entirety of the performance with them even doing things such as 'Olé Olé Olé' in between songs while the band are preparing to start the next song in the set.


Overall, I'd say this is a very good show from the early stages of the Zooropa leg of the Zoo TV with some nice entertainment factors mainly because it's Bono's birthday and due to this even the setlist has some nice change-ups such as the first European appearance of I Will Follow on Zoo TV and the inclusion of Party Girl which happens to be sung by The Edge tonight, the audience is also a nice thing about the show as they do give the show a positive vibe throughout the performance.
The song highlights from this show during my listen of the show were the following:
Zoo Station
The Fly
Even Better Than The Real Thing
Mysterious Ways
Until The End Of The World
New Year's Day
Party Girl (Sung by The Edge)
I Will Follow
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet The Blue Sky
MacPhisto's speech and telephone call
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
Love Is Blindness

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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Geraldo van Kessel (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Terratec EWX 2496 (Audio recording device), Soundforge (Sound Editor)
  • Lineage: Remastered version (Geraldo Van Kessel):DAT Master > DCL2 (S.K.) > Terratec EWX24/96 Soundcard > Optical > Sound Forge 4.5 > CD Wave > MKW > SHN [> CDR > EAC Secure > FLAC] > MP3
  • Quality based on reviews:
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Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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"Bono's Birthday Party"

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  1. Giant champagne bottle for Bono birthday in Rotterdam
  2. Giant champagne bottle for Bono birthday in Rotterdam