Performance notes: She's A Mystery To Me's only Popmart appearance. Performed by Bono and Edge at the end of One. The snippet of Lemon in Discotheque is the only time that the song has been featured live (as opposed to a taped mix over the PA) since the end of the Zoo TV Tour. Setlist and comment provided by
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Quite an underwhelming performance from the band during the European Leg of the Popmart tour. Featuring what seems to me a band that is going through the motions throughout the show, with their performance here only being described as "present" that remains during the entire evening, although with a few surprises packed in specific performances of songs such as a unique ending to Even Better Than The Real Thing where Bono keeps going with his falsetto after the "Take me higher section" throwing in falsetto lines such as "Higher than the sun", A rather great outro to Last Night On Earth after a mistake near the end of the song's lyrics from Bono along with the one-off Lemon snippet during Discotheque which makes it quite memorable in live versions of the song and the fact that this is the only time the band played She's A Mystery To Me on the Popmart tour. Speaking of Bono, he's also in good voice tonight however, he doesn't really seem to be making the most out of it as he sounds uninterested with most of his singing tonight, speak-singing lines in songs, and generally playing it quite conservatively throughout.
This is also not helped out by the mistakes that are present in the performance that will be listed now: The aforementioned Last Night On Earth last lyrics problem before the outro, Bono messing up and restarting All I Want Is You, Larry messing up during the guitar solo on Bullet the Blue Sky, a quick moment in Streets where only the guitar can be heard, the incident where the Lemon doesn't open during the encore before Discotheque starts and Bono getting lost during One.
It also doesn't help that in my ears, the usual standout songs on Popmart's setlists, such as Mofo, Miami, Bullet, Please and Streets, in my opinion, don't have the usual punch that they usually have at other shows, which, in my opinion, adds to the underwhelming ness of this show.
Using an updated version of this recording that comes from what I assume is the master DAT recording of the show that runs at the normal speed, the listening experience is quite mixed, honestly. It starts off sounding okay with the guitar, drums and a very present bass being audible, with the vocals being drowned out, which is not aided by the fact that there seem to be some issues with the tape the show was recorded on however, these problems are solved by Even Better. The recording then gets better from Staring at the Sun, where it becomes a rather enjoyable listen with everything becoming louder minus the audience sound that is always kept at a minimal level. Recording: Audience microphone - 3 stars
Seem to be okay, but can't really tell due to their absence from the recording.
All in all, it was quite an underwhelming show for the tour. It is really only worth listening for if you want to hear the accident where the band got trapped in the Giant Lemon before the Discotheque encore due to the aforementioned Lemon refusing to open. As a result, this Bono throws in a Lemon snippet during the song when the encore finally begins along with saying "Lemon" at the start of Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, but aside from this and the only Popmart version of She's A Mystery To Me this show doesn't really have that much doing for it because to me, it sounds like they're just going through the motions throughout the show minus a few performances that did stand out.
Even Better Than The Real Thing
Last Night On Earth
Staring at the Sun
If You Wear That Velvet Dress
She's A Mystery To Me
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