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Here you can find and post reviews of this show. We encourage everyone that either attended or listened to this show to write a review. Currently we have 6 reviews for you to read.
A fantastic performance from the band midway through the final month of the European Popmart tour, featuring a tight and robust musical performance throughout, albeit with a few minor mistakes in places, such as Larry starting Even Better Than The Real Thing before Edge but for the most part they don't defer that much from the otherwise enjoyable performance as almost every song in the set is done well.
Bono's voice is also in great form. However, he gradually weakens from Bullet the Blue Sky onwards, which leads to some less-than-pleasant moments during the encores. However, for the most part, he holds up well, hitting some great notes such as the "wide awake" notes during the Bad snippet and attempting all of the "Burning down love" notes on Streets and overall delivers a strong performance minus a few lyric flubs here and there, which are thankfully relatively minor. I can only think of Last Night On Earth and Streets containing this problem.
A good recording; however, the recording does seem to have the drums, guitar and audience near the recorder as the primary focus, thus leading to times where the vocals get drowned out in places, along with the bass being quite buried in the mix. Still, the taper is definitely in a good position during this, and I can tell that they're pretty near the stage or a speaker due to how upfront everything sounds. Recording: Audience microphone - 4 stars
Fantastic European audience, as always.
A mostly fantastic and very enjoyable show from the Popmart tour with a strong performance for the most part, aside from Bono's voice weakening from Bullet onwards and the minor mistakes that both he and the band make in places. There are a lot of unique moments in here that make up for the off moments, too, such as unique snippets that were rarely done on the tour or some performances that are hard to match at other shows on the tour, such as All I Want Is You with the snippet of Bad, a very pleasant change of the Edge Karaoke section with Born To Be Wild, an excellent rendition of Discotheque featuring the band playing a short snippet of Whole Lotta Love at the end, some humming of the melody and whispered scat singing at the end of If You Wear That Velet Dress and some unique guitar moments in Hold Me, Thrill Me for example. All in all, I'd say, for the most part, this show probably could stand up to some of the "Popmart Greats".
Last Night On Earth
Until the End of the World
New Year's Day
All I Want Is You
Staring at the Sun
Born To Be Wild (Edge Karaoke)
Bullet the Blue Sky
Where the Streets Have No Name
If You Wear That Velvet Dress
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
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