2009-07-11 - Paris, France - Stade de France


Support act: Kaiser Chiefs
Performance notes: 200th performance of Vertigo.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. No Line On The Horizon (7)
  2. All That You Can't Leave Behind (3)
  3. The Joshua Tree (3)
  4. The Unforgettable Fire (3)
  5. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  6. Achtung Baby (2)
  7. Rattle and Hum (1)
  8. War (1)

best song performances

  1. Breathe (5 votes)
  2. Ultra Violet (Light My Way) (4 votes)
  3. Beautiful Day (3 votes)

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review by U2Bad2017

4 years ago


Good day for the band.


Good sound for a non-official recording.
Recording: "CA-11 - Olympus LS-10" - 4 stars


We were good. Before the show with the "Ola". During the show also with singing on "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" or "Desire". And overall we reacted good on each song with some jumping, some singing, some clapping.


A family Oddity

My second U2 gig. Like the first one it was in France Stadium, like the first one my father was there too, like the first one we took the road from Belgium but this time my mother and my brother were with us.

The first one I saw U2 I knew the band but not all of their songs and I had no idea wich song they were going to play. It was my third gig ever and the first one outdoor and I was only 12. This time was a bit different. I knew almost all of their songs (not very much the album "October" and "War" except the hits). It was my 8th concert ever, my third time in a stadium, I was 16 years old and I knew what songs they were going to play, thanks to internet for that. In a way I like when you have no idea what song the band will play and in another way I can't wait until the day of the gig because I want to know everything about a tour.

Anyway after the road, the U2 music and discussion on car, the stop on highway (to heaven ?) we finally arrived in Paris. Like the first time it was a huge U2 party around the stadium. The first time we were on GA and here we were on seats in K9 so behind the stage and Adam Clayton side. Since we have reserved seats and not GA we arrived shortly before doors opened this time. We bought tee-shirts, drinks and a poster and then we wait. I remember when I went to buy a tee-shirt I went near doors for GA just to have a view from the floor on the massive stage. It was impressive. Opening act was Kaiser Chiefs and they were super good, very energic and lot of motivation. Usually an opening act doesn't receive lot of attention from the crowd but this time the crowd were enthousiastic. I remember singer screaming after each song "Nous sommes Kaiser Chiefs". Like the first time, there were a good ambiant and crowd made some ola.

But then "Space Oddity" of David Bowie began and crowd applaused as it was the opening song. It's a change since the first time I saw U2 in 2005. In 2005 not everyone knew the opening song or the setlist but seems in 2009 almost everyone knew them. There were almost no phone or camera in 2005 but much more in 2009. Right after "Soon" of U2 started and we saw the four Irish guys coming but only one was on stage. Larry Mullen Jr walked alone on stage and started to play "Breathe". The Edge and Adam Clayton came shortly after on stage and finally Bono too. I started to play guitar in 2006 so I really appreciate the solo on "Breathe". I always appreciate guitar parts and solo but between 2005 and 2009 I became a guitarist and so I was appreciating guitar with a different view.

"No Line On The Horizon" followed and crowd was singing it and then "Get On Your Boots" arrived. I like the first one but I think "Get On Your Boots" is like the band wanted to make another "Vertigo" and so it's not really my favorite song. But we could see Bono jumping on it. Actually I could see the whole band much better than the first time. I was still not very close but view was good. The Edge and Adam Clayton went on B-stage circle using the two bridge during "Get On Your Boots". After it "Magnificent" has been played and it's a good song. Crowd reacted positively and sang the "Oh, Oh". Guitar parts and solo were great. Bono was on B-stage circle for this song. After those four energic new songs, U2 decided to play "Beautiful Day" with a special introduction "Paris mon amour" also knows as an unreleased song "We love you". Both songs were appreciate by the band. They seems to be full of energy and in a good day. I could see Bono jumping, playing with the crowd and doing the show. He probably did the same in 2005 but I was too far and too small to saw it. This time however I saw him giving all he had.

"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" was special to me because it's the first song I ever learnt to play on guitar. Before playing it the band took their first calm moment after a solid 30 first minutes of full energy. Bono did a speech in English wich has been translated on the screen. It's always an impressive moment when you see 93.000 people singing a full verse and the chorus of a song. "Movin' On Up" snippet was also very good.

After that I got four songs I haven't saw on my first U2 gig. "Desire" wich was sung by the whole stadium with a special "Billie Jean" and "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough" snippet. Michael Jackson died on 25th June 2009 and it was the 11th July 2009. Anyway a nice song with full of energy. During "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" and "Desire" Larry Mullen Jr was in front of the back of the stadium for our great pleasure.

"In A Little While" was the second of those four songs. The rest of the band played it like Larry Mullen Jr did, in front of the back stadium. A quiet song but a good one. Back in front of the stadium for Larry Mullen Jr and the rest of the band for the third song which was "Unknown Caller". That song has been preceded by a talking with ISS and the Belgian Frank De Winne. The conversation has been recorded before the show but Bono acted like if the conversation was in live. Translation in French were on the screen. "Unknown Caller" was good despite a bit too much "Oh, oh" but the guitar solo was very cool.

Last of the four was "The Unforgettable Fire" wich was a great one to hear and the crowd really appreciate it. I particulary appreciate guitar parts. The screen began to grow and to grow and it was pretty impressive. Bono played with the crowd on the bridge. It has been followed by "City Of Blinding Lights". Good song and nice guitar parts and once again the screen effects was amazing. "Vertigo" followed for the pleasure of the crowd but less for mine since in two concerts I heard that song three times but I participate to the party with the crowd and sung it too. "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight" followed. I prefer the album version to the one they did in live but it was nice to hear it, after all I never heard it in a gig before and it was like a giant discotheque. It was also the chance to see Larry Mullen Jr walking on the stage. And to be honest it was pretty energetic and I did appreciate it. Larry was back in front of us for "I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday"

"Sunday Bloody Sunday" and "Pride (In the Name of Love)" were playing right after. Not much to say about them. Classic songs, crowd appreciate so do I and at the end of "Pride (In the Name of Love)" crowd sung the "Oh, oh" wich lead us to "MLK" that I haven't see live before so it was a pleasure to hear it. I can say the same for the following one "Walk On". I love that song and guitar parts in it. I really appreciate to hear it. Lights on stage were pretty and people walking on stage at the end made that pretty nice.

Time for first encore with a Desmond Tutu speech that lead us to "Where The Streets Have No Name". What can I say about that song ? It's incredible. The giant stage all in red, the organ pipe introduction with the bass, the crowd who knew what was coming and finally the first note from the guitar wich lead the people to madness. The song gave even more life to the show. The Edge was running on the stage while playing and came in the back of the stage saying hello to us. Magic moment. The only less good thing is that the guitar introduction was a bit too short.

"Sexy good looking crowd" said Bono. Then he did a speech before "One". It was another magic moment. Stage and stadium in dark with only 93.000 mobile phones as lights (and some people used actual lightfire). I remember I used my mobile phone at that moment. Nice song, nice "Hear Us Coming" snippet and nice memories. Bono ended the song by saying in French "Ce soir ceci est pour vous, bonsoir".

Second encore was there. A video introduced us to the song "Ultraviolet (Light My Way)" that I didn't know before that tour and that I heard for the first time that night. A nice discover. Bono and his red light jacket and microphone was a nice visual. I don't remember if the red stick we received at the gate before the show were for this song or for "Where The Streets Have No Name" but many people used them for this song. White lights coming from the stage like a mirrorball for this song and for "With or Without You" gave a real nice effect in this giant stadium. "With or Without You" was nice to hear especially when the crowd made the "Oh, oh" while the light show them. Concert ended with "Moment of Surrender". This is not my favorite song but it was nice to see it for the first time live. Band then left the stage under lot of applause. It was a real good gig with a good crowd, good visual effect, good songs and band had energy like often and seeing so many times 93.000 people singing togheter was truly magic moments.

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"CA-11 - Olympus LS-10"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Julien (Audio Taper), Amande (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Church Audio CA-11 (Microphone), Olympus LS-10 (Audio recording device), CA-9100 (Power supply)
  • Lineage: digital master[24/96khz] > USB > Adobe Audition 3 > CD Wave Editor > Trader's Little Helper > .flac (16/44.1)
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  • Downloads: 107
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Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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"SONY ECM-719 - M-Audio Microtrack II"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: M!iles (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony ECM-719 (Microphone), M-Audio MicroTrack II (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: [digital master 24/48] > USB > .wav > WaveLab > .wav 16/44.1 > CD Wave > .flac > [...] > mp3
  • Downloads: 2320
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Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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"SONY ECM 719 - MZ-RH1"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: achtung_baby01 (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony ECM-719 (Microphone), Sony MZ-RH1 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: [digital master - mini disc] > SonicStage > .wav > Adobe Audition 1.5 > dbPowerAmp > .flac
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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Achtungpop (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony ECM-719 (Microphone), Sony MZ-NH700 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: Sony ECM-719 + Sony MZ-NH700 MD ( Hi-SP mode ) > MD master > USB to PC (WAV via Sonicstage) > Nero wave editor ( cut in tracks) > dbpoweramp > flac
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"SP-CMC-8 - Edirol R-09HR"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: NONOballoo (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Edirol R-09HR (Audio recording device), SP-CMC-8 (Microphone), SP-SPSB-8 (Power supply)
  • Lineage: digital master[24/48] > .wav > SD > USB > Audacity > dBpoweramp > .flac
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"Sony MZ-RH1 + specialists cardiods"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: p62dok (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony MZ-RH1 (Audio recording device), MM-MBM (Power supply), specialists cardioids (Microphone)
  • Lineage: [digital master - mini disc] > SonicStage > .wav > MAGIX Audio Cleanic 15 >TLH > .flac
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  1. In the shadow
  2. Bono singing near the crowd
  3. Bono on screen and PA stack
  4. Tribute to Aung San Suu Kyi
  5. Someone somewhere in summertime
  6. Unforgettable Fire in Paris
  7. Blue screens in Paris
  8. Daylight in Paris
  9. Bono singing in France
  10. The Claw in France
  11. The Claw assembled in Paris