2010-08-20 - Helsinki, Finland - Olympic Stadium


Performance notes: U2 perform in Finland for the first time in 13 years and 11 days. Unreleased song North Star is performed for just the second time ever.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. All That You Can't Leave Behind (4)
  2. No Line On The Horizon (4)
  3. Achtung Baby (4)
  4. The Joshua Tree (3)
  5. War (2)
  6. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  7. Passengers (1)
  8. The Unforgettable Fire (1)

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show attendees: 74

Russian Federation
Russian Federation
31 users from Finland:
AboBono, Annemm, Asi, JPM68SPECIAL, LasseTurunen, MOwen, Magsieboy2501l, MariMa, Ramppa, Tinja, Touge, already_gone, freaky, henkka, jarbovi, jonksu, klausthunder, mieleton, mikaelgu, mikkou2, minsku, mjekberg, olmivaara, popzoo, ranter, teha, thErkki, vidfeusti, vp2000, wertyqa, wilson8

10 from Sweden:
55anMasen, Aliceblue, Biwallo, LenaF, MalinF, Miltex, bivve, erboe, lillis1967, zooTV4all

4 from United Kingdom: drtrev, elanem12, kevfenton, theedge269
4 from Netherlands: enak12, fv45pfap, interjet, joshuatreenl
4 from Germany: BonaV, Willybird, loftarasa, sleepysleeper
3 from France: Judith86, karine4499, lathspell
3 from Italy: 2ilvia, bonomax, mastrovox
3 from Russian Federation: Sateily, Vanish, u2here
3 from Norway: Lapanyman, dancj, marekz
2 from Switzerland: jurgac, paint_it_black
1 from Canada: beerok
1 from Estonia: Tallinn
1 from Iran, Islamic Republic of: karlheinzu2
1 from Spain: Forrest
1 from Latvia: zoofly93
1 from Australia: gimp2u23
1 from Belgium: gloria002

review by MattG

14 years ago


Together, but Bono has quite a few slip ups, generally related to where they're at in the song. For example, Ultraviolet has a couple. He seems VERY confused...he's heard the song more times than I have, and it's not even a matter of forgetting lyrics...it's just flat out skipping lines, wrong melodies...its odd.


Not the best of the leg/tour, but it was a speedy upload, and for that I'm thankful!


Not high in the mix, but they're there.


Not too special of a show for me...won't really revisit it at all. Maybe for nostalgic listens of North Star, but otherwise, it's a standard early-leg-3 show.

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patou2 Read more
MattG Read more

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  • Show downloads: 716

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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: heartland (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Sony ECM-719 (Microphone), iRiver iHP-120 (Audio recording device)
  • Lineage: Sony ECM-719 => Iriver iHP-120 running Rockbox (WAV, 44,1kHz) => USB => Peak (cut, mix, tracks) => FLAC => MP3
  • Downloads: 195
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Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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"OKM-IIr - Archos Gmini 400"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Macphisto (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: OKM-IIr (Microphone), Archos Gmini 400 (Audio recording device), A3 Adapter (Audio interface)
  • Lineage: [digital master 16/44.1] > Sound Studio > Fission > xACT > .flac > [...] > mp3
  • Downloads: 1128
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 192, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mega.co.nz
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  1. I wanna reach out
  2. U2 in Helsinki
  3. U2 in Helsinki
  4. U2 in Helsinki
  5. U2 in Helsinki
  6. U2 in Helsinki
  7. U2 in Helsinki
  8. U2 in Helsinki
  9. U2 in Helsinki
  10. U2 in Helsinki
  11. U2 in Helsinki
  12. U2 in Helsinki