2010-10-08 - Rome, Italy - Stadio Olimpico


Performance notes: When the 2010 European tour dates were announced on 24 September 2009, Coimbra was listed as the final city of the European leg. This show was not confirmed until 30 November 2009, displacing Coimbra as the last city.
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. All That You Can't Leave Behind (4)
  2. No Line On The Horizon (4)
  3. Achtung Baby (3)
  4. The Joshua Tree (3)
  5. The Unforgettable Fire (2)
  6. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  7. Boy (1)
  8. Passengers (1)
  9. War (1)

best song performances

  1. Bad (11 votes)
  2. Beautiful Day (3 votes)
  3. Mercy (3 votes)
  4. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (3 votes)
  5. I Will Follow (3 votes)

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show attendees: 226

114 users from Italy:
2ilvia, Andreazootv, Andrew1892, Ares_sbs, BONO75, Costav, DeeEdge, Devid71, Discotheque01, Emmedim, FabioRM, FireSparky, Frank_U2, Frazzo73, Gianniscatman, JuBabyFace, Larry85, Marcellou2, Mariobrus, Matteo94edge, Maxxheadroom, MrCobalt, Natsu, Neo, OCTOBERGULL, PieroKKK, Racerman, Seveneleven, Situation, TheFly97, Totto1981, U2pub, VALE69, ValeDMU2, abu2, albilombatti, albyu2, aledemi, aleperetti, alessandromatano, axelbat, bardas, basovox, billolele, blitz29, bodiroga, bugmenot, cautela, cfb, cfrabu2, crisasdf, danil, davec82, docwolvie, domevox, dongianni, ego, enjoytheclaw, fab1one, fabiouno, flea777, flyingkite, frenz, gara74, gattonish, giammaz, grandeblack, ilaria75, ildobro, ivanm85, kiss, lbelcapo, lixy, luke77arg, luna1234, marchinovox, marcobonadeo, marksheep, markus, maryhewson, mastrovox, maulaf, micupu, paolo1964, paolo_tamburi, patagorro, popmason, pozmat76, princehector, prsdnt, reddy76, rislo007, robrosi, robymason, rstabellini, sEbby, sarad, sherry2610, silvano1938, spyno79, superaga71, taglia1972, thejoshua, tonic966, trevor, tuf2010, u2ciao, u2july, valerio1975, valevox83, vin030279, willbutlyeats, zooclay, zooradio

16 from United Kingdom:
Hanoi1968, PEDRO67, ajr, cdparky, chatts99, cherrynet, frankedge, jonespd, joshuauk, kevc02, macjoneslawyer, nikb, onebadboy, paulw77, stp337, vincey10

14 from France:
DLL, GDB, HOMER57, Judith86, Reddef, boboazur, christopop, gregsidious, judex, nat2A, palax, petite_marie, pmadet, sagunto

13 from Germany:
AchtungBaby1989, Bonolina, Claudia_H, IwillFOLLOW, JoshuaTree1987, POPMARTin, U219, ZOOTVTOURist, fschellhaas98, loftarasa, steffi_ca, tuf_1974, xls

13 from Netherlands:
Backdraft, Eriktotti88, Erikvloedgraven, Mark71U2, Remy, apruijn, bobgruijters, dennisromy, enak12, fv45pfap, joshuatreenl, pauluz, u2reiniertje

7 from Austria:
U2tapecollector, krypto1983, mozillo, mstipe, rossi74, slanemax73, wegotit

6 from Spain:
Forrest, droulak, iosu2, jordijulia, popmadrid, u2alacant

5 from Poland: bartek_master, boomelka, eva_babyface, littlebigmen, tdera
4 from Russian Federation: LebedevAE, Vanish, andrei_p, tower2004
4 from Croatia: bornau21993zg, desertsky, ivana007, xMARIN
3 from Switzerland: jurgac, maidosa, pablito
3 from Belgium: Guntherbel, Neonlights, Tanchke
3 from Hungary: abegely, berci, divisionbell
3 from Ireland: harrind, padraickirrane, treasure
3 from Greece: robbi269, sosatas, tzehos
2 from Slovakia: aik_u2, sepro
1 from Norway: crowKB
1 from Canada: nunomoreira1
1 from Portugal: PedroSSM
1 from Romania: iacob88
1 from Australia: kayp29
1 from Florida: MarioScarpati
1 from Brazil: sabrinacaldas
1 from Lithuania: robertasu2
1 from Finland: Annemm
1 from Czech Republic: Alvin
1 from : axtungworld
1 from Turkey: pecado

review by DanielLikeAlbum

1 year ago


A fantastic conclusion to the 2010 European 360 tour, featuring an excellent and inspired performance from everyone in the band with strong music and performances with few mistakes and Bono's voice being in fine form, which is also probably aided by the fact that he had four days of rest between the previous show in Coimbra and this show in Rome, minus the fact that Bono sang a bit of Elevation flat which also happens in the song before Mysterious Ways' 1st verse and forgot the lyrics, which is a minor occurrence throughout the show. However, it is not much of an issue as these flaws are easily made up with the rest of the performances.


A fantastic audience recording with extremely clear sound. While the audience sound is faint when the music is in full force, you can still hear them throughout, and the overall atmosphere at the show has been fully captured, allowing for an excellent listening experience for the entire show.
Recording: Audience microphone - 5 stars


A phenomenal Italian audience from the capital city of Rome singing along with almost every song in the setlist and overall participating in the show whenever possible, showing a massive level of engagement with the band's performance.


A brilliant final show for the 2010 European leg of the 360 tour featuring fantastic performances from the band, a great audience and a good setlist and snippet selection featuring some rare songs and snippets for the tour, such as Shine Like Stars on With Or Without You and the inclusion of Bad which contains the All I Want Is You snippet similar to how the song was performed at most Zoo TV era shows. The show is overall a top-tier show for the leg and should not be missed out on while doing the 2010 European shows, as it is definitely one of the best 360 shows I have heard and contains plenty of highlights to keep the listener entertained.

Until The End Of The World
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Miss Sarajevo
City Of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
With Or Without You

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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: MLK (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Edirol R-09HR (Audio recording device), AT853 (Microphone), Battery Box (Power supply)
  • Lineage: Recording Equipment: AT853 (C) > 3-Wire Battery Box > Edirol R09HR [24/48]Audio Transfer: SD-Card > USB Reader > PC HDD > EQ > Downsampling > FLAC
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 3039
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 183, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mediafire.com

Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Romeo (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: SP-SPSB-10 (Power supply), M-Audio MicroTrack II (Audio recording device), Cool Edit Pro (Audio interface), SP-CMC-25 (Microphone)
  • Lineage: SP-CMC-25 > SP-SPSB-10 > Microtrack II (44100 16bit) > Cool Edit > CD Wave
  • Downloads: 1638
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Audio / MP3

Bit rate: 200, bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
Download via Mediafire.com

"Viva Italia"

  • Origins: Audience microphone, CD Silver
  • Credits: The Godfatherecords (Silver Manufacturer)
  • Lineage: The Godfatherecords - G.R. 581/582
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"Two Flags Beat As One"

  • Origins: Audience microphone, IEM
  • Credits: Alysha (Matrix Creator), MLK (Audio Taper), Awanagana (Audio Taper)
  • Lineage: [2 sources] > [unknown matrix] > .flac
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"AT 831b - Edirol R09-HR"

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Johnky (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Edirol R-09HR (Audio recording device), AT831b (Microphone)
  • Lineage: [digital master] > SD Card > Sound Forge > 2CDR MASTER
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photos by unknown (71)

View entire set | added: 14 years ago | shot with camera: Canon PowerShot SX100 IS
  1. u2 360 Rome
  2. u2 360 Rome
  3. u2 360 Rome

photos by Marco Bozzato (10)

View entire set | added: 9 years ago | shot with camera: Canon PowerShot G11
  1. U2 in Rome
  2. U2 in Rome
  3. U2 in Rome

photos by Simone Bacio (1)

View entire set | added: 8 years ago | copyright: Creative Commons
  1. U2 360° - Rome