2011-05-14 - Mexico City, Mexico - Azteca Stadium


Performance notes: Although chronologically second to be performed, this was the first Mexico City concert announced, on 21 September 2010. First performance of Stay since 24 September 2009; first performance of Desire since 19 December 2010 (and only its second since 31 July 2009). Second performance of Out Of Control on the 360° Tour. First show to feature at least two songs from the Zooropa album since 10 December 1993 (when five were played).
Setlist and comment provided by U2gigs.com.

songs per album

  1. Achtung Baby (5)
  2. No Line On The Horizon (4)
  3. All That You Can't Leave Behind (3)
  4. The Joshua Tree (3)
  5. Zooropa (2)
  6. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2)
  7. Boy (1)
  8. Rattle and Hum (1)
  9. Passengers (1)
  10. War (1)
  11. October (1)
Was one of these songs performed outstandingly during this show? Click on the name of the song to mark it as such!

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show attendees: 103

85 users from Mexico:
1TheWanderer, 1a1088, 3tostones, BONOMAN360, Bonomanmex, Bonomanmx, DrEnasni, GAGV, IVAN_ZEPEDA, Jadde, JeremyBV, KERMIT69, Lain1001, Luis2411, Mankuse, McPhisto_Davidoff, Roblomaya750504, Sinuar, U2DMacotela, alexpg2000, anuare82, boeing777, bolo_vox, boomerang, catsoccer, chaquisu2, charlesamaniego, coach, dany06, dapixeldude, doria73, dromero74, ehjimenez, el_filo, elayo13, elpepua, erehewitt, exar, gilberto, gonzaloalonso, iamnotINVISIBLE, jcvertigo06, jealousguy, josuers, juancft, luisdector, macphistou2, manolovox, mcbean166, mloaizar, mr_chac, oscardlapena, ozamora, pablovi, pepepotro, pumadecorazon, racso2099, rafael90210, rcguadarrama, rockinfreak, rockstard9, rodriot, rudhono, rulo55, saff_2003, sebu2, serch_73, smsmx, suletzi, tony_zam, toviedo22, u2_lemon78, u2rolas, ultraviolet150, unknown_preacher, vchavez, vidals, watomx, web23, welder, zentinela, zooaliy, zoonimaleous, zoorodman91, 118664

4 from Germany: chris_rde, michaelw13, soferl, tuf_1974
3 from Canada: beerok, jahorro, nunomoreira1
1 from Chile: u232462
1 from Washington: DJSoulless
1 from New Mexico: quix
1 from Italy: EDOPAO
1 from Arizona: create1998
1 from Netherlands: yvie
1 from Costa Rica: diegovalerio
1 from Russian Federation: TOS1A

review by DanielLikeAlbum

1 year ago


An excellent performance for the 2nd night in Mexico, featuring the band in good form throughout. The show started as a standard show with little to note, minus Out Of Control making its second appearance on the entire tour and the fact that Bono forgot the words on Elevation along with Edge also having some problems on the same song. By the time Until The End Of The World came around, the band kicked things into gear, delivering strong versions of songs with few mistakes, minus the occasional minor lyric fumble from Bono, who is also in a talkative mood and great vocal shape.


It could have been 5 stars if the vocals weren't drowned out in some places, along with the interference of the IEMs, which were noticeable in a couple of places throughout the recording, along with the standard IEM count-ins and ticking sounds. However, with these issues put aside, there is a good balance between the IEM capture of the music and the audience that allows for a fine listening experience for both enjoyers of the music and the audience noise.
Recording: "Mexico, Sexico!!!" - 4.5 stars


A fantastic Mexican audience who added a lot to the performances of songs and were highly engaged at all times. Songs like I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, Stay and With Or Without You are their key moments.


Overall a fantastic show on the seventh leg of the 360 tour featuring another combination of a great band performance and an excellent audience, with the versions of Until The End Of The World and I'll Go Crazy being the best performances of the night with the first track featuring some Frank Sinatra snippets as it was the 13th anniversary of his passing and the second track featuring snippets of Discotheque, Mofo and Please from the album Pop with Edge even getting involved with the snippets. The setlist is also very good, as usual for the 360 tour, with standout songs in this set being the inclusions of Out Of Control, Desire, Stay and Zooropa, with the last two songs also being the first time that more than one Zooropa song had been performed in concert since December 10th, 1993 in Tokyo. It was also nice to hear Bono in such a talkative mood and interact with the audience whenever possible. Definitely a show to check out on this leg, without a doubt.

Out Of Control
Until The End Of The World
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For / Stand By Me
Stay (Faraway, So Close!)
City Of Blinding Lights
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)

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  • Origins: IEM
  • Credits: nunomoreira (Audio Taper), Kaycee (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Tascam DR-07 (Audio recording device), Cool Edit Pro (Audio interface)
  • Lineage: Stereo Scanner>Tascam DR-07>Cool edit>WaV>Flac
  • Quality based on reviews:
  • Downloads: 1833
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Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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Audience microphone

  • Origins: Audience microphone
  • Credits: Mario Bono Cuevas (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Adobe Audition (Sound Editor), Rectools (Sound Editor)
  • Lineage: Blue Mikey -> iPod touch -> Rectools 2.0 -> WAV adobe audition -> cd architect -> cd
  • Downloads: 1200
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Audio / MP3

Bit depth: 16, sample rate: 44100, channels: 2
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"(Bono) Buenas Noches Mexico!"

  • Origins: IEM
  • Credits: nunomoreira (Audio Taper), Kaycee (Audio Taper)
  • Equipment: Tascam DR-07 (Audio recording device), Cool Edit Pro (Audio interface)
  • Lineage: Stereo Scanner>Tascam DR-07>Cool edit>WaV>Flac>Mp3
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"U2MX Matrix Stereo"

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"Mexico, Sexico!!!"

  • Origins: Audience microphone, IEM
  • Quality based on reviews:
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  1. The Claw in Mexico
  2. The Claw in Mexico
  3. Bono throws the microphone
  4. Bono sings Ultraviolet in Mexico
  5. Adam smiles in Mexico
  6. Bono reads a paper in Mexico
  7. The Edge in Mexico (2nd night)
  8. Mexico going up
  9. Mexico Lights
  10. Countdown before Mexico II
  11. The Claw at Azteca Stadium